Cheater Kai x Reader

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You have reached Kai's voicemail please leave a message after the beep.


"Hey Kai it's me Y/n I was wondering when you're coming home, It's already 11:56 pm and im worried call me back when you hear this, I love you....Bye."

You layed on your bed looking at the ceiling. Waiting for your boyfriend to call back. he was always out late, arriving early in the morning. He always said it had something to do about work, but when you always called his 'job' they always say he isnt there at the moment.

You looked to the right where you clock was located. 12:09 am was seen in big red numbers. You sighed and you pulled the covers over yourself. You remembered all the good times where you and Kai used to share.

-Flash Back-

"Y/n I love you with all my heart, You're the only girl i want to be with through it all." Kai whispered into your ear.

"I Love you too Kai no one can ever make me feel so special like you do." You said running your fingers through his spiky hair.

-End of Flashback-

*4:00 in the Morning*

Kai walked through the door caring his suitcase and setting it down. He sighed as he realized the house felt different. It felt empty. Depressing, dull, and gloomy. He made his way up to the room he shared with Y/n. He entered the dimmed room and saw Y/n sleeping peacefully. He removed his suit and sat on the edge of the bed, across from Y/n.

He didnt feel the same way no more like he did 2 years ago. His feelings for slowly died. And now they're completely gone. He looked at the clock 4:39. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


You woke up around 6:00 am. You had some things to do and werent going to be back in a few hours. You grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note for Kai saying you were goinig to be home for a few hours. He went downstairs and grabbed the keys and left.

-back with kai-

Kai woke up around 8:30 am. He got up and made his way to the bathrrom when he saw a note on Y/n's pillow. He grabbed the note and squinted his eyes to read.

Kai imma be out for a few hours i might get back around 12 so yea

He crumpled the paper and threw it on the floor. He grabbed his phone and searched his contacts.

*Sorry if your name is in here*



Shalisha......nuh uh

Nya...she's my sis so no why not.

He pressed the green button and waited.

"Hey Boo want me to come over." Marissa squeled.

"Eh yea I miss you" Kai said

"Ok then I'll be there" Marissa said.

Kai threw his phone on his bed and changed into something simple. He waited for Marissa to come and he heard a knock on the door. He opened it to see Marissa standing there in a skin-tight short red dress. She walked in and kissed Kai. KAi kissed back and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around Kai's waist and tugged on his hair. Kai closed the door with his foot and headed for the room.


You arrived in your driveway to see a car parked there. It looked similar to the one your friend Marissa had. You looked at you window to see the blinds down. It looked empty. You got out of your car and opened the door. You set the groceries down and made you way upstairs. Inaudioable voices were heard from your room. You pressed your ear against the door to hear better.

"Kai are you going to tell Y/n that you dont love her no more and that you prefer me." a Voice said.

"Yea I'll do it when she comes home." Kai said.

"OK then I'll be going"

You pulled away and stood there. That Voice sounded just like Marissa. Tears ran down your face and you clenched your fist. You were about to bust the door when Marissa opened it. You looked into her brown eyes and watched as she smiled and left. Kai on the other hand propped himself up with his elbows. His eyes widen as he saw you.

"K-kai I...I thought you loved me." You chocked out. You closed your eyes and sobbed.

"I did-i mean i still do" Kai stuttered.

You wiped your eyes and stared into his amber eyes.

"You know....People were right...You are a player...and i was stupid to ignore them" You said grabbing a suitcase.

"Y/n you're going to leave me!" Kai cried

"Yes I am now you can have any girl you desire." You sobbed as you yanked your clothes from your closet.

"But i want you Y/n" kai said.

"Sure doesnt seem like it Kai. Banging girls then leaving them.Was that all i was to you." You asked

Kai didnt speak at all.

"Ill come back when you change Kai." You said as you left the room.

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