Hot Summer Day

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Ninjas x Reader

    "And now for our 7 day forecast. Throughout the week we will have tempatures reaching up to 90°. So prepare those air conditioners because this will be the hottest week in Ninjago yet." The ninjas groaned in exhaustion. The air conditioner was broken and Jay was to hot to fix it. You were pretty much going to die from heatstroke."Jay please can you just fix it, there's probably just a loose wire or something." Cole whined as he laid on the cool tile in the Kitchen. "But it's in the basement and it's so hot to even move." Jay whined back shoving his face with ice cubes. Lloyd had his face in the freezer allowing the cool air to hit his face. Jay was still refusing to fix the air. And you, well you were pretty much debating whether to go naked or not. All you were wearing was a tight fitting tank top revealing your chest and mid-thigh shorts emphassing your bottom. Wu would never allow such a thing but today and for the rest of the week, if jay didnt fix the air conditioner he made an exception.

You were laying on the couch while the ninjas groaned once again from the heat. Lloyd was wearing his green racecar shorts with a white tank top, highlighting his muscular body. Jay was in blue shorts with a blue short sleeved showing his biceps. Cole, Kai and Zane were all shirtless which revealed their abs. The only pro of having a hot day was that you could stare at the guys showing their muscles. And the day got even better when Lloyd and Jay soon took of theirs. You almost went crazy but you restrained yourself. Thank God Nya wasnt here or she will literally drool over Jay and Cole. I would say you had a small crush on the ninjas but that would be lying.

"Hey Y/n wanna go to the pool with me?" Kai asked as he leaned agaisnt the door frame. "Umm isn't that door frame burning." You asked flinching as you heard his girly screams. You laughed as everyone did the same. "Hey since You're going can we come too?" Lloyd asked. "We have nothing better to do so we might as well." Cole added. "Look it was just going to be me and-" "Sure you can come guys." You interrupted Kai, smiling at the boys. Zane seemed hesitant at first due to him being a robot, but he tagged along.

The walk was horrible. The sun was making your skin crispy, Jay kept whining saying he should of never come, Cole kept punching him, and Kai had an annoyed face. "Can you guys stop...damn." Lloyd snapped as he looked back at the guys. They soon apologized to the green ninja and kept quiet. "We're here!" You shouted with excitement. "Thank God I was about to die."Jay sighed. It wasnt long before Jay, Cole, And Kai canonballed into the pool. While they were splashing around in the pool, you were at the shower area changing into your 1pc/2pc f/c Bikini. Although you were very insecure, you wanted to try out the bikini you recenlty got. So out you went showing off your curves and grabbing the attentions from the guys present in the pool. Catcalls and whistles were heard from the pool. A light shade of pink dusted your cheeks. Trying to ignore the attention you walked to where zane was located. Under an Umbrella staying away from water. "Hey Zane mind if i join you?" You asked."Oh no Y/n go ahead."He said. You sat next to the nindroid kept an eye on the Ninjas. They were like your children you never know what they are up to.

As you sat next to Zane, Lloyd walked up to you and gave a childish Smile.

"What are you doing Lloyd?" You asked suspeciously.

"Mm Nothing" he said looking away. You squinted your eyes and  got up from your seat. As soon as you did Lloyd ran up to you and pushed you into the pool earning a few laughs from the ninjas. You sumerged and gasoped for air. Your now damp hair covered you hair. You weren't mador anything you actually felt refreshed. You swam to the side where Lloyd was at.

"Very Funny Lloyd now help me up." You demanded as you held your hand out.

"Fine." He said as he reached for your hand. You took ahold oh his hand and dragged him in as well.

"Well thats taken care of." You said as you pulled yourself from the side watching as the ninjas laughed at Lloyd.

It was worth the walk!

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