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Although it pains me to write this. I decided to write one. -shivers in disgust- Anyway on with the story.
Skylor's p.o.v
Why can't I just shut down the business. No one comes in anymore due to my dad's reputation and since I'm his daughter well let's just say no one really likes me.

I flipped the sign from open to closed. I washed the few dishes that were left and cleaned up a bit. While putting some things back I heard some tapping noise from the door. I looked outside to only see the one and only red ninja.

Kai. We actually met in the tournament. I know I betrayed him. But I had to obey my father. (-_-) but for some reason he forgave me. He said we'll keep in touch but after that day I never heard from him.

"We're closed" I mouthed pointing to the sign.

He begged to let him in. He was shivering and had a thin sweater on. I quickly unlocked the door and turned on the heater.

"Thanks" he said placing himself in a booth.

"No problem" I responded sitting across from him.

We stared at each other for what seemed like years. Until I decided to break the silence.

"How come you never called me" I immediately regret saying that. Once those words left my mouth he gave me an odd face.

"I-well I don't know Skylor." He plainly said. Well Skylor there goes your chance.

"I didn't know how to call you." He continued.

I laughed how stupid can he be.

"By a cellphone, typing in some numbers duh" I said.

He squinted his eyes at me.

"You never gave me your number" He said getting up.

How stupid can I be. (apparently a lot)

"Well thanks for letting me in I guess." He said opening the door.

"Wait Kai" I said grabbing his hand. I grabbed a pen from my purse and jotted some numbers on his hand.

"Call me" I said giving him a peck on his cheek.

He smiled looking at his hand. Aww he smiled. (He mine skylor)

He waved a goodbye and left. I turned off the heater and locked the door.

Could this be a new start to our relationship. (No you didnt have a relationship with him).

Hey guys I don't know what to do after this so if you could please leave any suggestions or request that will help a lot.

Anyway hoped you enjoyed because I did not.




Or just whatever

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