Abuser Cole x Abused reader pt.3

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Cole finally escaped Prison hoping to get you back. He walked and walked until he finally reached the city. Nothing has changed since he was at prison. Well he hoped. He still wondered if Y/n still lived in the small house they used to live. He still hoped Y/n would still feel the same. He was for sure he changed. He made his way through the crowded streets avoiding contact. Keeping his head low, he made it to the neighborhood where he once shared a home with Y/n.

He set foot on the green grass as he made his way to the window. He cupped his hands and he pressed his face against the window, scanning the room. There he saw his beautiful Y/n all alone wacthing T.v. He smiled as he knew Y/n was all his. But that all changed as he saw a figure make his way to where Y/n was. He captured every feature as he realized who that person was. Lloyd. He sat next to Y/n, cuddling with her, giving her a few kisses here and there.

His smile soon faded and replaced with a devilish grin. He was right, he sure did change.

Lloyd's P.O.V

"I'll be back Lloyd." Y/n said as she made her way towards the bathroom. I simply nodded as i changed the channel. Nothing good was on,so i left it on whatever channel came next. Sadly it was the News. I sighed as I placed the remote on the coffee table. I wasnt really interested in the news then i saw it.

A mug shot of Cole was seen on the News. the Caption read "Immate Escaped Prison If seen call Now." How could Cole escape Prison? That place was extremely secured? Questions ran through my head as i tried to solve the problem. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Y/n giggling as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Wanna play a game Lloyd?" She asked placing her chin on my shoulder

"What game?" I asked as I slightly turned my head.

"Hide-n-seek!" She chirped. Sometimes she can be a bit childish, but thats what i fell in love with. I nodded my head as I closed my eyes and counted.

"1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8.....9....10. Ready or not here I come!" I yell. I turned on my heels and began walking until i stopped. Knocking was heard from the door. Seconds later in turned into banging.

"Im coming, Im coming. Sheesh" I walked towards the door to see who this person was. I opened the door to be greeted by a devilidh smirk plastered on Cole's face. He's...He's here!?

I immediately walked back only to stumble upon the coffee table.

"I heard you were playing Hide-n-Seek" He smiled.

"Such a lovely house you have Lloyd." He complimented as he walked right pass me to the kitchen. I stood there starring into his brown eyes. While he kept himself busy of whatever he was doing in the kitchen i thought it was a good idea to call the police.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk Why would you do that to a beloved Friend?" He asked as he walked towards me. I hid the phone behind my back as I walked backwards.

"What's behind your Back Friend?" Cole asked

"I should be asking that too." I replied. He simply smirked as he sighed.

"I think we should paint the walls red." Cole said as he laughed a horendous laugh.

"Wha-" He sliced my throat as he chuckled at how i stumbled back. Blood gushed everywhere painting the walls and splattering his face. I gasped for air as I slided my back against the wall. My vision became blurry as it finally turned black.

Cole's P.o.v

"Oh my it appears i made a mess, Oh well" I said as i wiped the blood off my face. Lloyd can be messy at times. I looked at his lifeless body which was against the wall. He face was pale as his lips were slightly parted. I grabbed his leg as i dragged him with me.

"Now where are you my Y/N" I whispered.

Your P.O.V

I waited for Lloyd to come and find me in the closet but he was taking forever. I heard footsteps as they approched the stairs. I covered my mouth as i kept myself from giggling. But then i heard it.

"Oh Y/n Where are you my love" It cooed. My eyes widen as i realized it was Cole. But was he dragging something?




I restrained myself from screaming or crying. How could he escape? His footsteps were finally silent as i sighed a breath of relief. He left. Or so i thought. I heard his footsteps near me. He was in the exact room as i was. I peeked through the little crack to see Cole searching everywhere for me. Then i saw Lloyd. His body was at the entrance of the room. Blood covering his neck. I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs.

I pushed myself against the cold wall to keep myself from sight.

"Oh my lovely Y/n I know you're in there." Cole sang as he approched the wooden door. His face slighly showing threw the crack. Until he fully opened the door, showing his bloody face. I let out a shriek as i tried crawling away from him.

"I found you Y/n" He smiled.

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