Abuser Cole x Abused Reader

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You placed a hand on your stinging cheek. Tears spilled from your eyes as Cole screamed at you.

"You worthless piece of shit you spilled Coffee on the floor you idiot." Cole spat as he raised his hand to slap you once more. You raised your hands in front of your face to protect yourself from this monster. Right when he was about to make contact with your face, the doorbell rung.

"What the fuck" Cole mumbled as he got up to answer the door. There stood Lloyd and the rest smiling at Cole.

"Hey Cole we just came to visit." Jay chirped as he walked inside.

"Ehhh I dont think its a-" Cole was interrupted by the sight of cake. By the time the guys came in you were already up cleaning the coffee spill. Your cheek was still red but not really noticeable.

"Hey Y/n" The guys greeted. You simply waved as you rinsed the wet rag. You wanted to scream for help but you were to afraid. Afraid of Cole beating the shit out of you in front of the guys. Afraid that the guys wont do anything for you. Sure they save people from danger but have you seen cole when people get into his relationship?

"Y/n bring us a couple of beers will ya?" Cole yelled from the livingroom. You grabbed four bottles and made your way to the living room. Carrying four glass bottles in your arms isnt easy. You were infront of the guys when one slipped from your grasp making the liquid spill on Kai's shoes.

"Y/N You stupid girl look what you did, you spilled it on Kai's brand new shoes." Cole screamed as he got up from his spot.

"It's cool Cole wasnt much that got on me." Kai interuppted.

"Kai i got this she needs to learn." Cole harshly said.

Cole brought up his hand ready to hit you. That was when Kai grabbed Cole's hand and stopped it. Jay pushed him against a wall while Kai still had Cole's arm. Lloyd wrapped his arms around you protecting you from any harm. Zane called for helped while helping Jay and Kai hold back Cole.

It wasnt long before the police came putting Cole in handcuffs. You cried while Cole pleaded for forgivness.

"Y/N tell them it's a mistake. I didnt mean to hurt you." Cole cried.

You shook your head dissapointly as you watch Cole leave the house with the cops. Lloyd, Kai, Jay, and Zane wrapped their arms around you apologizing for what happened. You cried into their shoulders as Kai whispered something beautiful.

"We're here Y/n no need to worry. You nightmare has finally ended."

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