Sick Lloyd x Blind Reader

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Lloyd sat in the bench right outside the school. He stared outside the gate waiting for that one special someone. Y/n. He fell in love her. The way her h/c hair shined everytime the sun hit it. The way she smiled when Lloyd spoke, but the problem was she was blind. But Lloyd didnt care he also had a defect. He was sick. No, not like the cold sick, he had a heart disease.

A black car pulled up to the driveway of the school. The driver stopped the car and exited the car walking to the passenger side. He opened the door and helpled the girl out, revealing Y/n in her school uniform. She grabbed onto the guy's arm and began to walk with him guiding her white cane along the pavement. Lloyd stood up, ready to greet the lovely girl, when he was stopped by the driver.

"I'm sorry, her father strictly informed me that she can not see no one." He began holding his index finger close to his face.

"W-what why?" Lloyd asked, dropping his smile.

"That's none of your concern, now if you please excuse I must escort Y/n to her class." He explained, slowly walking away with Y/n. Y/n whispered a small sorry, keeping her eyes forward. Lloyd sighed in disappointment and walked to his class.

During Lunch Lloyd walked to the bench he usuallysat on. But when he got there he found Y/n sitting there, her eyes staring at the gate. He smiled and sat next to her.

"Hi Y/n" He greeted. Y/n turned her head staring at the tree behind Lloyd. Assuming she was facing Lloyd she began to talk. Y/n wasnt much of a talkative type, but when she was with Lloyd she can go on and on.Lloyd loved this. How she seemed so excited about everything.

Lloyd began to have trouble breathing, his chest tighten, he arms becoming numb. Quickly digging in his bag, he brought out his container of medincine. He popped the cap off, wheezing he placed the pill in the back of his mouth and swallowed. Y/n searched for his shoulder but soon gave up.

"Hey Y/n so i've been playing piano lately and i wanna show you have good i am."Lloyd boasted.

Y/n giggled and stretched out her ar,, waiting for Lloyd to guide her. Lloyd gently took her arm and began to walk with her to the Music room. He sat Y/n down and he placed himself next to her. He placed his fingers on the keys and did his magic. Playing a soft tune, Y/n smiled at how soothing it was. Lloyd took notice of how she smiled that beautiful smile and took Y/n's hands and placed them on the Keys. Step by Step Lloyd taught Y/n how to play. Although she was blind she memorized the tune easily. The Bell rang, signaling it was time for class. He helped Y/n up and led her to her class. He said a goodbye and left, leaving Y/n smiling.

Throughout the entire week, Lloyd would meet Y/n at the bench, then head to the music room. But today was different. Lloyd got there to see Y/n with her gloomy expression. He went up to her placing his handon her shoulder. She flintched and let out a small whimper.

"What's wrong?" Lloyd asked.

Y/n explained how her father had mis-treated her. He said she wished she would die for having such a defect. She explained how she would cry herself to sleep. Lloyd went in for a hug, but he felt hisphone buzz. He got a notification saying it was time to take his medicne. He grabbed his container and popped the lid open. Right when lloyd was about to pop the pill, he was tackled by Y/n's driver. He dropped his pill along with his container, pills litering the floor.

"I thought i told you to stay away from her. What did she tell you?" He asked furiously.

"N-nothing, nothing at all." Lloyd stammered.

He brutally took Lloyd's arms and Y/n's are placed them in different rooms. Lloyd was placed iin the Music room, while Y/n was right across the hall. Lloyd sighed as he plopped himself on the stool. letting his fingers slide agaisnt the keys. He began to play the tune he played to Y.n when they were t lunch. Y/n, form across the hall heard that beautiful melody and smiled. She peacefully hummed to the melody. Lloyd played until he beagn to feel numb. His chest tighten, he gasped for air pleading to breath. He checked his bag and pockets for his medicine, but only realized he dropped it. He tried calling for help, but onlymade things worse. Then his heart gave out. He fell forward hitting the keyboard, making a horrifying sound. The dirver who was just outside the door heard it, thinking he was just banging his hands, he enetered the room, only to find Lloyd, head ond keyboard. His body was limp. He quickly called the teachers, and nurse. They took Lloyd's body outside waiting for the ambulance.

Meanwhile, Y/n heard that horendous sound, she gasped and tried to reach the door, until she finally heard that beautiful melody. She smiled as she imagined Lloyd playing the piano. But it was only Y/n's driver playing the piano. The same melody Lloyd once played.

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