Sick Lloyd x Blind Reader pt.2

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Hey Guys so I finally updated! Yippee! Reason why its so late is because I lost my fucking journal that I kept all the fuckin chapters in and I had to rewrite them all. I had writer's block and that screwed up the whole damn thing. -sighs- Hope you enjoy this crappy one shot.

It's been about a month since Lloyd has passed and poor Y/n doesnt know a thing about it. Her driver is to afraid to go up to her and spill the truth, Y/n is blind and can't see a thing that's going on. Her classmates told her that Lloyd was gone. And by gone i mean moved to another school. Y/n actually believed Lloyd left, leaving her all alone. She walked the empty halls with her driver holding onto his arm.

"Hey Y/n?" Her driver asked.

"Yea?" She replied keeping her head forward.

"Remember that kid you used to hang out a lot?"

"You mean Lloyd?"

"Yea well he didnt really leave school. He passed away a month ago."

"Look, Its not funny to make a joke like that. Now please can you just escort me to my class." She sighed.

"Alright Y/n"


"Y/n, you worhtless blind fuck. GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW."

"I'm Coming."

Y/n guided her white cane down the stairs trying her hardest not to fall. Step by step she made it to the top heading for her father's room. She looked for the doorknob and the door creaked open. She stood there looking at the white wall behind her father.

"Y/n so your driver told me you didnt want to believe that Lloyd was dead."

"Thats because he's not."

"Really? Tell me Y/n why do you think Lloyd's not dead?"

"Because he just moved to another school."

Y/n's father got up from his heading towards Y/n. She heard her footsteps and backed away from her father only to hit the wall.

"Come here you bitch" Y/n's father screamed as he brutally grabbed her arm taking her outside next to the stairs.

"Listen here you little shit, Lloyd's dead. He's gone. He went Bye Bye forever." He explained.

"N-no he's not!"

"That's it!" He roared swinging his arm back and making contact with Y/n's face. She stumbled back only to trip over that stairs. Hitting her head first, she rolled down the stairs unconcious. all that was heard was her screams and the sound of her bones cracking. Her limbs were misplaced, her body scattered the floor. He simply laughed as he went back in his room.

Hope you see Lloyd in hell bitch.

Your P.o.v

I flutter my eyes open to discover i was laying in a meadow. The sun was shining in my face, a light breeze hitting the side of my face. It was beautiful. W-wait i can see!! I can finally see! I look down at my body. It was wrapped in a white dress flowing in the wind. I take a strand of hair between my fingers and admire the color. A smile spread across my face as i take in the beauty of this.

I begin to walk the meadow only to here a familiar tone. The one Lloyd used to play when he went to our school. I ran towards the sound onlt to be stopped by a mirror. There stood a beautiful young girl. Beautiful H/c hair. Nice s/c skin. Vivid e/c eyes. Is that me? Is this how i looked like all this time. I reached to touch it but it only made the ripple effect and disappeared. The same melody was heard even closer and i followed it. I reached a beautiful green tree and next to it was a blonde boy playing the piano. I walked even closer standing a few feet behind.

"I like that melody you're playing." I complimented. He stopped playing and sat there for a few seconds before turning around. His beautiful green eyes shined brightly, his dimples showing at the end of his smile.

"Y/n....Is that really you?" He questioned, standing up to get a better look. That voice was the one i fell for. Was this Lloyd I was talking to?

"L-Lloyd?" I stuttered, trying not to break down in tears. he frantically shook his head and ran to me, embracing me in a tight hug.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked, pulling away from the hug.

"Because you were the only one who can play the meldoy beautifully and because you're voice gave it away." I explained taking his hand into mine. "I can't believe im looking straight at the person who i fell for, even though i was blind."

"I'm happy you're here Y/n." He said placing his hand on my cheek.

"Yea. But where are we anyway?" I asked, looking into the distance.

"Heaven Y/n..... We're in Heaven"

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