Kai x Stalker! Reader

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Kai added a new photo.
Kai updated his status.
Kai posted his location.
You scrolled through Kai's page, finding any information that will be useful. Until that was when Kai posted his location. You let out a small chuckle of how much Kai craved attention. He makes things so simple. You slammed you laptop shut and grabbed your stuff and exited the door.

You walked until the screams of fangirls were heard from a distance. Pulling your hoodie over your head you proceeded to walk to the group of fangirls surrounding the red ninja. A wide smile crept onto your face, a small blush forming on your cheeks, a tingling sensation coming the pit of your stomcah.

He was your celebrity crush, and you were just an ordinary citizen, he would never notice you. So this is what you do now. You follow Kai around from a safe distance. When you squeezed your way through the group of fangirls Kai had already left with his Bodyguard. The fangirls already cleared a way and left the streets vacant.

Keeping your eye on Kai, you wondered if this technique will ever work. You tried everything you could possibly think of. You even tried harming yourself so he could save you. But you ended up getting saved by a creepy old stranger. Kai made a right turn and entered a small resturant. Of course you followed him in. You sat only seats away from Kai, but still got a good view.

He grabbed the menu and looked through the stuff he would soon cosume. You mentally prepared his order, for you have already learned his usual. A small coffee, two scrambled eggs with a side of fruit. Soon after the lady came to order his food. As predicted, he ordered his usual.

_Time Skip_

You have followed Kai for about a hour now. He has not done anything. Did he have a clue he was following you? You cringed as you thought of the horrible things that will happen if you got caught. As soon as that word was said Kai turned around and saw what seemed to be a normal citizen taking pictures of the beautiful city. He simply shrugged and continued his day.

You on the other hand decided to go home. Unlocking your door you walked to your room flopping on the bed. Pictured of Kai were pinned to the ceiling. Some were from the interent and aome were taken drom you. You didnt have any photography skills ao some images ended with half of his body showing. Drifting off to a nap, you dreamed of Kai, being the one who will be by your aide forever.

You just found out Kai has rented a Hotel across from you complex. Saying he was on the fourth floor, you grabbed your binaculars and searched the fourth row to find that specific room. Soon enough you came across a small, half-opened window showing the red ninja. You jumped with joy as you thanked the gods for they have answered your prayers. You grabbed your phone on the counter and dialed his number. Thanks to your researching you managed to get his number. With the Binaculars on one hand, and your phone in the other you waited for the first ring. When it did you used the binaculars to see him better.

Kai went near his bed and grabbed his phone, he answered with a simply hum. You tried so hard to contain that scream willing to escape your lips.

"I really love those red curtains" You said looking through the binaculars.

"Oh thank you-wait how do you know my curtains are red?" He asked a hint of concern in his voice.

"Lucky guess" you simply said giggling a bit.

"Are you one of those crazy fangirls?" Kai annoyingly asked.

"Hm I guess"

"What do you want? An autograph? A selfie? Money?"


It was silent after that. All that was heard was the heavy breathing coming from the side of the phone. You giggled and Kai simply looked out the window.

"You really need to stop posting your every location or something bad will happen" You suggested. He didnt speak he was to afraid.

"Oh Kai dont worry I wont hurt you. You just have to be careful."

The line went dead after that. You laughed as you saw that Kai's window was shut and the red curtains were closed. You heard ypur phone chime and got a notification.

Kai updated his status.
"I just got this weird phone call. Someone please help me :'(."

"Don't worry Kai, I will always be by your side :) so you can count on me :)"

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