Lloyd x Reader

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We were driving to the first place it all started. Ninjago High school! The place were Lloyd asked me out under an oak tree in the field. The place where we first shared our first kiss by the lockers. And the place where Lloyd asked me to prom in front of the school where everyone stood and cheered. I remember as if it was yesterday! Lloyd sat next to me as he drove the car, passing abandoned rusty cars and dead corpses. I just simply watched of what the world became within weeks. A few weeks ago a virus broke among the east part of the world. Sickening people and children, making them go crazy by the second. But do to the fleeing and traveling people did it soon ended up here. Lloyd and I were practically the only ones alive. Though I would rather not think that.

"I can't believe we're going back to High school isn't that crazy!?" Lloyd spoke, breaking the peaceful moment of silence.

"You decide to go there out of thousands of places here in Ninjago City!" I stated keeping my gaze outside the window.

"Hey Y/n C'mon lighten up a bit will ya!" He said turning his head slightly to his right.

"In a place like this Lloyd!? How do you expect me to 'lighten up' when we're about to die!" I snapped, letting all my fears take over.

"Y/n we're not about to die, I've kept you alive for the past few weeks. And I'll keep doing it if I have too.
I simply sat there in silence. I couldn't respond. Not like this. Imagining the last moments I'll have with Lloyd. Imagining. the last day I will ever stand on this planet.
"Awh Shit.." Lloyd mumbled, banging his fist on the dashboard.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned on the situation we got ourselves into.

"Outta Gas. For Fuck Sakes why here!" Lloyd yelled taking off his seatbelt.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I too took off my seatbelt."

"We have to walk it Y/n." Lloyd sighed as he walked to the back opening the trunk. There he stored all his weapons he collected for the past few weeks.

"Well then let's go" I said taking smalls steps. I was concerned of a Zombie jumping out and grabbing me, but I didn't hear them so I guess it was safe to walk.

"Wait...take this." Lloyd said handing me a small pistol with 6 in the chamber. " Use them wisely cause that's all you're gonna get" He continued. I nodded and proceeded to walk forward while Lloyd walked behind me.

"Do we just continue walking straight?" I asked Lloyd, holding the pistol tightly.

"Yea we're not that far just keep-" And that's when all hell broke loose. The screams and shrieks of the sickened were heard from all directions.

Run! I heard myself say. "Lloyd we have to run it" I screamed at him as I sprinted forward. This is it! We're going to die in this place. I thought to myself.

"Look! Straight ahead! That's the high school!" Lloyd screamed with excitement. I looked back at his dirty face and behind him were at least 10 of them chasing us. I picked up my pace as Lloyd dos the same. We soon arrived at the school. Panting and gasping for air we unlocked the door, screeching from lack of oil. As we were about to close it, a hand latched itself around Lloyd's arm. Lloyd grunted and groaned as he bashed the hand with his free hand.

"There! In the Gymnasium!" He said letting go of the door allowing the zombies to barge in. We ran into the Gym closing the door shut and sticking a metal bar through the handles. They slammed and banged on the door, desperately trying to break it down.

"It's not going to hold, Y/n not even our weapons can kill them." Lloyd breathed out, running his fingers through his blonde hair. I took a step back and let it sink in. Tears streamed down my face as I knew it was over!

Lloyd took out his phone and his AUX cable and plugged in it to the speaker.
-play the music-
The song that we danced to at Prom was playing. I looked back looking at Lloyd with fear yet happiness. He walked to me, taking my hands into his. He hugged me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I placed my head at the crook of his neck.

He moved around the gym with me still embraced in his hug. Just like in Prom. I let the tears flow down my face once again.

The banging of the zombies soon became louder and more effective. The metal bar bended due to the strength.

And that's when they all came in all at once. Lloyd's hug became stronger as he sobbed and apologized for all the mistakes he had done.

"Y/n I'm sorry, For..for not keeping you safe in here." Lloyd sobbed into my shirt. I soothed his hair and I whispered into his ear.

"Darling don't de afraid I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more."

We stood there whispering our very last I love you's
Heyo Hopes you enjoyed it and I hoped I made you cry! I did. Anyway I hope the music fits well for the last part. Credit goes to my Best friend who helped me with the idea.

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