Kai x Reader x Lloyd

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Kai liked Y/n. So did Lloyd. She was probably the only girl in the squad who wasn't a bitch. She was sweet, caring, and pretty much all the things a guy looked for in a girl.

But that was a problem. Since she was "everything a guy wished for" the ninjas fought for her. Soon Zane, Jay, and Cole gave up, finding their own loved ones.

That left Kai and Lloyd to fight over her. It was ongoing.

"Y/n this"

"Y/n that"

"She belongs with me"


"Hey Y/n want to go the movies?" Lloyd asked.

"Sorry bud...Kai already asked me. But you're very welcome to join us." Y/n suggested giving a sweet smile to the blonde boy.

"Wha- no Y/n...it was just going to be us!" Kai screamed as he ran down the steps, slipping on the last one.

"What's the harm of Lloyd joining us Kai? After all we are friends aren't we? Y/n protested, shrugging her shoulders.

"But.......fine!" He groaned in defeat shooting a glare towards Lloyd.

Lloyd simply returned the glare back giving a smirk.

Y/n walked along with Lloyd laughing at whatever Lloyd said.
Of course Kai stayed behind feeling a pang of jealousy. He stared at Lloyd, scanning his features.

The way his Blonde hair swayed back as the wind blew.

The way his green shirt fitted him well.

The way his side smile emphasized his dimples.

To be quite honest, Kai had a thing for Lloyd. The only reason why he "liked" Y/n was because Lloyd did too. He thought the more he liked Y/n, The closer he can get to Lloyd.

"Heeeyy Kai?! We're here!" Y/n chirped. Giving a toothy smile.

"Oh right sorry I was dozing off." Kai said paying for the three tickets he had bought.

"That movie was so awesome!"
Y/n exclaimed slightly punching Kai's shoulders.

"Oww...Chill out Y/n, You may be a girl but, boy do you punch hard!" Kai said rubbing his shoulders.

"What can't handle some punches Kai?" Lloyd interrupted giving a side smile.

Why must you do that me Lloyd!

"You wanna start something you prick!" Kai spat, giving a death glare.

"What you gonna do hit me?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Ohh here's my chance!

Just when Lloyd was about to smile, Kai smashed his lips onto Lloyd's. Lloyd's eyes widen in surprised. Kai was kissing him.
But didn't he like Y/n.

"Woah....Maybe I should get going." Y/n said, giggling at the to kissing boys.

Kai pulled away, looking straight into Lloyd's eyes. His ace flushed red, still lost in words.

"I....umm...why did you....do that?" Lloyd whispered, looking away to see if anyone else say.

"isn't it obvious? I like you Lloyd." Kai responded, taking Lloyd hand into his.

"But..I thought you liked Y/n" Lloyd asked, looking a bit puzzled.

"Lloyd you smol child. I only "liked" Y/n so I can get closer to you. I've liked you since forever, but had no way of telling you, but when I figured you liked Y/n I decided to do the right thing. And that was to pretend to like her so I get to be with you.

"But why go through all that when you could have just told me?" Lloyd asked once again.

"I don't know to be honest." Kai said, smiling at the blonde boy.

"And by the way Lloyd, you do know that Y/n is Asexual right?



"So she was in on this?"

"No of course not! She probably I was just hitting on her like any other boy. But forget that, Les just head home.

"Oh OK. And Kai?"

"Yea Lloyd?"

I like you too.

Hey so um I was confident enough to write a chapter.

Hope you like it.

Oh and please tell me if there is any spelling mistakes.

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