Shade X Reader

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Shade x Reader.


"Y/n..Please undertand this" You mother began as she grabbed your shoulder. Your eyes filled with tears as you finally knew what was happening."You're not who you think you are." She continued.

"Who...who am i then?" You asked, more tears spilling from your e/c eyes.

"You inhereitated the traits from your great grandmother. Your Great grnadmother was the master of E/o/c." She explained.

"So i'm not normal?" You asked once more. You wiped your eyes as you wanted to learn more.

"Of course My Y/n, You're just unique." She finished.

-End of flashback-

You werent here to make friends. All you cared was about honor, glory, and respect. Something Master Chen would give you if you won the tournament. But one person got in the way of doing that. His black hair, his pale skin, just Him. You weren't suppose to grow feelings for an enemy. You had to win this. But you couldnt. You truly fell for him. No matter how hard you tried to ignore this emotion you had towards him, it wouldnt go away. Shade, you fell for him.

You eventually got to know him. He came here to prove everyone who thought less of him wrong. His parents neglected him, he lived in the Streets of Ninjago at the age of 7. He roamed the city fiding a place to live. He was alone. That was unitl he met his Sensei. (Not Wu). He was trained to fight in battle but when he found out his Element he became something more. Still his parents neglected him, telling him he would never accomplish anything. He trained almost everyday to unlock his true potential. One day he recieved a fortune Cookie from a girl scout while roaming the city. He was invited to the Tournament of Elements where he would fight for honor and respect. He was determined to win this just like you.

In almost every battle or round you won. You were basically on top of the list below the other four ninjas well three, after Cole, the Master of Earth was defeated. But that changed when you had to fight Shade. You stood in the arena hearing booing and cheering. Face to Face with the person you grew attached to. He didnt seem to notice how you thought it was hard to fight him. He didnt even care abotu fighitng you. All he cared was about him winning the battle.

"Fight" Chen screamed as he clapped his hands as a seal. Watching You and Shade battle in the arena.

You threw a puch at him but he quickly dodged it throwing a kick to your stomach. You kneeled down gasping for air as you tried to regain your strength. You pushed yourself up as you gave Shade a disappointed look. You knew he was just using you to use the information against you. Your weakness, you back story, your love for him. He knew all along from the very start. Neuro told him. You can't really think to yourself when this guy is near.

Shade came closer his fist clenched as he was about to swing a puch straight at your face.

"Shade, You dont have to do this." You said as you backed away.

"You're right I don't. I chose to do it." He chuckled as he picked up his pace. He pulled his arm back ready to make contact with your face until you stopped him.

"Shade, please you dont have to prove anything to anyone anymore. For you earned my respect. You have my honor." You said as he had his fist centimeters away from your face.

His face softened at your words as he pulled his arm to his side. Helooked up with guilt in his eyes. Tears threating to spill.

"Im Sorry Y/n" He whispered as he looked up to Chen. Chen nodded as he pushed a button, the floor beneath you disappeared as well as you. You screamed as you saw as Shade looked down at you giving a devilish smile.

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