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"Jay I don't love you anymore"

"Nya please you're just saying that because you're in a cranky mood"

"Jay I fell in love with someone else"

The faint screams of Jay and Nya were heard from your room. They grew louder and more intense. You quickly covered yourself wanting to sleep. But the screams kept you from doing that.

What seemed like hours, a door was slammed shut. Someone was crying. It didn't sound feminine so it definitely wasn't Nya. By the looks of it it was Jay. Poor guy, he was for sure Nya was one. But that bitch fell for Cole. What does Nya see in him. He's always so serious, never smiles, and takes everything so literal. Jay on the other hand was funny, very creative, and cute.

You've liked since you joined the team. But since he was in a relationship with the slut well it didn't really make sense to tell him how you felt. You got off your bed and headed towards Jay's room. You quietly knocked hoping he'll hear.

"Go away Nya its over" Jay sniffled

"It's not Nya, it's me Y/n" you said

You heard his footsteps as he came closer to the door. You opened it showing half his face. You gave a weak smile while he gave you a fake one. He signaled you to come in and you did.

"Look I'm sorry about the whole Nya/Cole thing" you said breaking the moment of silence.

"It's ok it's not your fault she's a whore." Jay said laughing a bit.

His laugh made you want to grab his face and kiss him. But you fought the urge. He told all the things that happened between him and Nya. He even told you that no one will ever love him again. This made you die a little inside. It hurt to see him like this.

"Look Jay, I know this isn't really the time to say this but I like you a lot, since the day I joined the team. I just didn't tell you because you were in a relationship with Nya." You confessed,  a blush forming on your face.

Then you did the unexpected, grabbing his face you smashed you lips onto his. Surprisingly he kissed back. He then forced his tongue in, exploring your wet caverns. You then had to pull away to catch your breath.

"So this means you like me?" You asked shyly.

He nodded in approval.

"Imma be right back" you said getting of his bed.

"Where you going" Jay asked.

"Imma go kill a bitch for treating you like shit." You laughed.

The next day Nya was never heard from. Like if she never existed.

I actually enjoyed writing this. I get to call Nya a bitch,slut, and whore xD. Anyway hope you enjoy
- Stella

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