Cheater Kai x reader Pt.2

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Kai's pov

"I'll come back when you change" Y/n said as she left the house.

My vision became blurry. Was i seriously crying over Y/n? I wiped my eyes and i changed into some clothing. How was i supposed to change? I heard Y/n's car start up as i looked out the window. I can barely see through her tinted windows, but she appeared to be crying. Both hands on the steering wheel she drove away.

I loved Y/n-I mean i still do, i was just, i dont know how to explain it. My love for her wasnt the same anymore, but when she left me the feeling suddenly came back. I grabbed my phone from the messy bed as i unlocked it. The picture of Y/n and i appeared as the wallpaper. I felt my lips quiver as i looked at the camera roll. Memories filled my mind as each picture appeared.

I couldn't handle the guilt i was feeling so i decided to call someone.

"Hey umm Nya are you busy?" I asked my voice slightly cracking.

"No. What's wrong Kai" Her gentle voice spoke.

"I'll tell you when i get there." I sadi as i hung up.

I walked out the door to Nya's home. I couldnt drive because Y/n took the damn car. But it was a good to think.

When i finally arrived at Nya's house she was already outside sitting in her front porch smoking a cigarette. When she saw me she quickly threw it on the floor an stomped on it. She walked towards me and gave me a tight hug. The smell of tobacco and alcohol filled my nose, it was quite unpleasnat.

"So why were you crying?" She asked

"Because Y/n left me" I replied.

"Didnt you say you didnt love her anymore?" Nya said raising an eyebrow.

"I did, but i do now. She said she'll come back when i change." I stated showing a bit of hope.

"If you love her, than change." Was all she said. It took me awhile to finally make up my choice. So I left Nya to continue her smoking.

I called Y/n's number to apologize but she answer. Maybe i should wait a bit more.

-weeks later-

No matter how hard i try to convince Y/n that i've changed she wont believe me. i only sleep with girls twice a week instead of everyday. Doesnt that count? I've chnaged havent I?


Hey guys, if you guys are wondering there will be a part 3 to this....I hope ;-;. Anyway hoped you enjoyed this piece of shit xD I didn't put much effort into this so that's why it's like this. Yep Yep. well bye now ;-;

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