Teacher Lloyd/Student reader

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Y/n's p.o.v
Tuesday the day of the big test. If i fail i spend another year in college.
I've studied for 3 weeks non-stop. I knew nothing could distract me.

I was assigned to Professor Lloyd's room. Once i got in the room something caught my eye.
The professor was young yet professional. His blonde hair combed to the right. I couldn't help but stare into those green eyes i thought were so hot.

"Welcome to Philosophy 101. Please take out the materials needed for the test. If you don't have a pencil with you already, I suggest you get the hell out of my room."

Laughter spread among the room as Professor Lloyd did a cheeky yet serious side smile.

Oh my god...that smile--and he's funny!

He must've noticed that I was staring at his cute little dimples that appeared on his cheeks as he smiled because he looked at me and said,

"Having trouble finding your seat there?"
He lifted in eyebrow in amusement.

Oh no please stop..you're killing me..

I blushed as I said "no sir" and quickly found my seat.

I took out my material while Professor Lloyd passed out the test.

-Time Skip-

"Alright pass up your test" Professor Lloyd said. Everyone did so.

"Ok so I'm pretty sure everyone knows that if you fail you retake another year of college." He continued.

Nods and yes were seen and heard throughout the room. With that we were dismissed.
"Grades are going to be posted tomorrow" was the last thing I heard from him I turned around and he gave me a small smile. I think I just melted a little.

-The next day-
I was the first to arrive at his class. I went to the white board and looked for my name. Damn how many people can there be. I finally found my name and looked to see what I got. I....I failed!!!

"Is there a problem ma'am" Professor Lloyd said.

"I failed the test" I said staring at the paper. Well I guess another year at this prison.

"Well there is a way to make it up" he said giving me a smirk.

"And what may that be" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just come by after school" he said leaving the room.

-Time skip to after school-

The bell rang and I sprinted out of the classroom heading toward Professor Lloyd's room.

Once I opened the door he was sitting in his desk playing on his gameboy.

"Ahh you came" He said putting the gameboy down.

"Well I don't want to attend another school year." I responded. He laughed at my comment. My goodness his laugh.

"Anyway what do I need to do to make it up." I said starring into those green eyes.

"This" once he said that his lips crashed into mine. Without any warning he shoved his tongue in my mouth. Exploring my wet caverns. I couldn't help but let a small moan escape my lips.

He pulled on my shirt begging me to take it off. Y/n is this really a good thing you're doing. Ahh who am I kidding he fucking hot.

I lifted my hands in the air letting him take off my shirt. He stared at my chest practically drooling over them.

"Isn't this fun" he whispered into my ear. His breath tickled my ear which made me shiver. He attacked my neck with love bites and kisses. I ran my fingers through his blonde hair. What was once a perfectly combed hair, was now a mess.

He lifted me on his desk as he unbuttoned my jeans. I undid his tie and did the same to his shirt. Damn that six pack. I reached down to his pants trying to unbutton them. He helped me as he took them down with his boxers showing his erected member. Wow this huge.

"Ready" he asked me putting the tip in my opening. I nodded as I waited for the pain. As he put it in pain went through my body. Letting out a shriek I let the tears flow down my cheeks.

"Am I hurting you baby" he asked looking into my E/c eyes. I shook my head. I had already adjusted to his size.

"You can move now" I said as I waited for the pleasure.

He did what he was told. Moving in and out. Moans and grunts echoed the room. Good thing people leave right after the bell. He picked up his pace slamming in and out out me. I felt my self get tense as I knew I was close.

"I'm going to-" I didn't get to finish as I let the warm liquid run down my thighs. A few thrust was all it took before he soon let his liquid shoot into my body.

Both of us were left panting and sweaty from our "assignment". We were going straight for round two when I realized the time. I quickly dressed myself as he did the same.

"Too bad I can't see you next year" he said as he pulled my close to him.

"Maybe I should stay another year" I responded giving him one last kiss. He laughed opened the door for me.

I walked out remembering what just happened.

Man I feel bad for the janitor who has to clean Professor Lloyd's room.

So this is my first lemon ever!! I wasn't my idea it was my friend. So thank her not me. Anyway I felt kinda weird writing this but who cares.
Hoped you enjoyed :)

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