Abuser Cole x Abused Reader

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-Months Later-

The horrifying memories of Cole keep popping up. The way he abused me was just enough. He treated me like a dog. No he treated me like a slave. Bring me this, bring me that. A slap across the face, a kick in the stomach. I shook those memories away. I've moved on with my life. Started a new relationship with Lloyd, got a job, have a new car. Everything was just perfect.

Cole's pov

"99....100" I count as i finish my pullups. 25 years in prison is way to much, so I've made up my mind and decided to cut my years short.

"Officer, yes you, can you check my cell, I feel like there's something in here." I asked through the little window on the door.

His footsteps came closer as he apporched the metal door.

"What's the problem?" He asked giving a digusted look.

"There's something in the toilet" I said sounding a bit worried.

He kneeled down checking the filthy toilet. I positioined myself ready to hear those words.

"There's nothing in here" He sighed. I quickly grab his red hair as I slam his face into the contaminated water.

"Now there is" I hiss as i forced him down. "Stop your squirming you shithead"

He tried forcing himself up but failed horribly. Second by secong his movements decreased, until he finally stopped. I smiled in success as i roll his body on the floor. His damp hair sprawled arcoss the tile, his lips slightly parted, and his vacant eyes starring at the ceiling.

"Now Officer, I will need your suit." I said as i unbuttoned his shirt.


I slip on the Kombats boots, as i place Mr.Officer's lifeless body on my bed. He seemed so peaceful that i left the room.(He's dead Cole) I pulled my cap a bit futher down so no one can notice me. I walked passed 2 officers and they eyed me up and down.

"Hey You" One screamed as he apporched me.

"Yes" I politely responded.

"You're supposed to be gaurding outside" He said as he pushed me out the double door leading me to the entrance.

"Yes Sir" I say as i wait for them to return inside. Once they did so i jumped on the fence and hopped down on the other side. I simply saluted and made my way towards the city.

"Im off to find you Y/n"

Hello Guys...Just to let you know this wasnt my idea it was @actress57. She deserves all the credit for giving me the idea :). And for that I thank you. Anyway hoped you liked this chapter. There will be a part 3.

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