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A/n- I don't ship Kai/Lloyd aka Greenflame. But I decided to do one because I did say I was going to do Ships.
-Third person p.o.v-
"Wakey wakey Lloyd" Jay screamed. He snatched Lloyd's blanket and opening the blinds.

"What the Hell Jay" Lloyd groaned grabbing the pillow and throwing it at Jay. Jay laughed dragging him out of bed.

"We're going to the park Lloyd" Jay exclaimed.

"This early??" Lloyd asked.

"Yea it's usually when the girls go jogging" Jay said. Giving a perverted smile.

Nya and Jay broke up after the huge fight they had due to the little video game. Nya moved on with Cole. And well Jay he decided to move on too.

"But I don't wanna go" Lloyd whined.
Gosh he acted so childish. After all he was a boy in a grown man's body.

"But don't you want to check out the girls. Jay asked

Lloyd shook his head. Jay just sighed and decided to have a 'little' talk with him.

"Lloyd, you're 18, it's time you have a girlfriend." Jay stated.

"Maybe I don't want one" Lloyd started. "Girls are confusing. They're cranky. And some of them are just fake." He finished.

"That's what all guys say, but watch later on you'll want one. Well imma go or I might not even get to see them. Jay said leaving Lloyd all by himself.

"Maybe I'm just not interested in girls." Lloyd mumbled to himself.

He had his heart set on someone else. And that someone was Kai. His amber eyes just made him tingle inside. His hair well let just say it wasn't bad. But his body. Lloyd always imagined himself next to Kai with his toned body.

Lloyd was interrupted by a knock on his door. He got up and opened it. He couldn't believe it. Kai was there. Giving him a sweet smile.

"May I come in" he asked so sweetly.

"Uh yea yea come in" Lloyd stuttered.

It was quite awkward for the both of them. They liked each other but never knew.

"Hey um Lloyd I need to tell you something." Kai asked facing the blond boy.

"Yea me too, you go first." Lloyd replied.

"Well I uh well I like you a lot. Not as a friend. Not as a brother. Maybe more than that." Kai said looking down ready to be rejected

Lloyd's eyes widened. Could it be, Kai confessing his feelings to Lloyd.

"Kai I like you too, I just couldn't tell you because I thought you didn't like guys." Lloyd said.

Kai laughed at his remark.

"Lloyd I thought you knew, i mean  everyone knows I'm gay, even my sister." Kai replied looking into Lloyd's green eyes.

Kai could feel his face heat up as he slowly leaned in for a kiss.

Kai's lips slowly brushed against Lloyd's. Their lips moving in perfect harmony. I swear you could hear the Angels sing. Both pulling away gasping for air, they looked into each others eyes.

Whispering their I love you's

I know I said I wasn't going to update but my plans got cancelled. So hoped you enjoyed. I'm planning to make a Nya/reader.


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