Chapter 3

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Mitch's pov

After Travis left, he didn't come back. It's been about 18 hours and he's still out. I hope he's not hurt. I needed to talk to someone so I called Scott. It rang a couple times and a familiar voice answered, "Hey girl" he spoke into the phone.

"Hey." I tried my hardest to hold back my tears for just a few minutes so we could talk but it wasn't possible. He must've heard me sobbing softly.

"Mitchie! What's wrong? Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" It's really nice to know that Scott cares about me.

"It's Travis. We had a fight last night..." Now I was crying. Full on crying. "He stormed put and I haven't seen him in like 18 hours. Scott, I'm worried."

"Hold on baby, I'm grabbing a giant tub of I've cream and heading your way." Scott hung up the phone and I was left alone again, not for long though. Scott's coming and then I will have someone to talk to.

Scott's pov

Hearing Mitchie crying is horrible. My bestfriend should never be sad enough to cry. Nobody should ever hurt him to the point where he was to cry. He's too sweet to be treated poorly. I don't care what he did to make Travis walk out, but Travis is the one stupid enough to leave Mitchie. I really don't like Travis right now. If Mitch was my boyfriend, I would make sure he never shed a single tear. But of course he is engaged so he isn't going to be my boyfriend.

I hop in my car and head to Mitch's place. It's not too far, just a couple blocks down from where Mitch and I used to live together but that's just my place now since Mitch moved out with Travis about a year ago. I park outside and race up the stairs because the elevator takes way too long. I walk down the hallway until I get to his apartment. I knock on the door and it opens almost instantly. Before I can take a step in, I am wrapped in a hug and Mitch's tear stained face is buried in my shirt. I drop the pail of ice cream that I promised I would bring and threw my arms around his small frame. I held him tight before letting go. He slowly backed into the apartment again but not before picking up the ice cream. He grabbed two spoons and a bottle of wine then headed over to the couch. He plopped himself down and I came and joined him. He handed me a spoon and opened the ice cream. His feet were up on the couch and his body was rested against mine, my arm wrapped around his shoulders and we just sat there in silence, eating ice cream and occasionally taking sips of wine straight from the bottle until I decided it was time to speak up. "Mitchie?"

He looked up at me. "Hmm?"

"What happened between you and Travis?"

He explained the situation, crying a couple of times while he talked. I honestly can't believe Travis. Like he left for almost a whole day now because Mitch was looking through his stuff. So what? Not like it's a big deal. And if he wasn't hiding anything why should he even care at all? Travis was just being an over emotional baby.

Mitch spoke up again, "Scott. I'm scared."

"You have nothing to be scared of Mitch. He will be back soon and I'm here for you until he does."

"But what if he calls off the wedding. I love him Scott. I don't know how I would live without him." Hearing Mitch say that hurt me a bit. I wish I told Mitch how I feel about him before he met Travis. And I wish he would feel the same way. But that's crazy.

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