Chapter 35

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Scott's pov

"Hey." My voice was shaky as I spoke into the phone.

"Scott, it's like 1am. Why on earth are you awake?"

"Kirst... I um.. Can you uh do me a favour." She picked up on my scared voice.

"Scott, baby, what's wrong? What do you need, anything." Her tone was softer now.

"Do you think you could come visit us in the hospital."

"I thought you and Mitch were back home now?"

The sound of his name made me hurt inside again. I blinked back my tears and spoke again. "We um.. We got into an accident."

"What! When did this happen? Are you guys okay?" Her voice went quickly from soft and caring to panicked. When I didn't answer, she spoke again, "Scott. Please tell me you two are okay. You guys need to be okay."

"Kirst, I need you to come to the hospital."

"Scott. What aren't you telling me?"

"I'll tell you everything when you get here, I promise."

I explained to her where the hospital was, since it wasn't the one in LA. It was about an hour drive to get here but she didn't dare hang up the phone on me. We talked the entire time she was on her way. She woke up Jeremy and made him drive because she too was shaky now plus she was a bad night driver anyways.

If there was one thing Kirstie was great at, other than singing, it was finding a way to calm anyone down. She helped me slow my breathing and prevent me from having an anxiety attack.

"Jeremy stop the car here." I heard her say to her boyfriend. "Scott, we are outside, right in front of the building, come out."

I stood up and walked out the front door and saw Kirstie standing outside the car in her pyjamas. I ran and hugged her, holding her so tight. We held the hug for a while before I let go. She opened the car door for me and I crawled in, and she joined me in the back seat. Jeremy started driving again and brought us to McDonalds. We went inside and got ice cream then sat down at a table.

"Scott," Kirstie held my hand and looked me in the eye, "what is going on?"

"We were just driving. And someone hit us. It hit Mitch's side. He's hurt Kirst, bad. I don't know what to do. I can't see him until tomorrow and I'm freaking out." I had trouble trying to figure out what had happened and a had an even harder time trying to explain it to her.

She sighed and I could tell she was trying to be strong for me. "Listen Scotty, he's going to be okay. Nothing is going to happen to Mitch."

"Kirst I don't know if that's true. You didn't see him. You didn't have to see how bad it was. You didn't have to hold his unconscious body while you waited for an ambulance. You didn't see the fear in his eyes."

Kirstie tried to answer me but she couldn't seem to form any words so Jeremy spoke up, "Kirstie is right. Nothing can happen to Mitch, he's gonna be okay."

"What if I killed him Jeremy?"

"Not possible," I could tell my comment made Jeremy scared too, him and Mitch were closer than most people would expect, "he's Mitch, he always makes it through the worst of things."

Kirstie slipped out of her seat beside Jeremy and slid into the booth with me. She rested her head on my chest and I held her close.

"I'm scared Kirst." I managed to say quietly.

"Me too."

"It's my fault." This comment made her sit up quickly so she could face me.

"Scott, don't say that."

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