Chapter 15

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Mitch's pov

We collected all my stuff from the other apartment and luckily Travis never showed up while I was there, I guess I really am done with him. He's out of my life. I try my hardest to just not think about him but it's harder than you'd expect.

Right now, Scott was helping me carry boxes into our apartment. We kept everything in the living room since we didn't feel like bringing it into my room just yet, I think we are going to do some redecorating, a new paint job maybe. We stared at the pile of boxes sitting in front of us while Scott poured us each a glass of wine, "Welcome back, babe." Scott announced. I smiled and he winked at me. "Was there anything you wanted to change about your old room before we throw all your shit in there?" He asked me.

"Well, I'm thinking it needs a new paint job, I don't like the plain colour it is now, I'm thinking something with more... PIZZAZZ!"

Scott jumped when I yelled the word 'pizzazz' which made me laugh. "Please tell me you didn't actually just use the word pizzazz." He chuckled.

"I know, even I'm ashamed of myself for it." We both laughed at my stupid comment.

"Well we can go look at some paint samples and pick it up tomorrow."

"Thanks baby."


"Let's go Mitch! Do you want to get this done or not?" Scott yelled at me from my room, I was in his room changing into some of his older clothes that he said I could get ruined. We had already emptied out the few remaining things that were in my room from before I left and we picked out paint, it was a dark red, I really liked it.

"I'm coming, don't be impatient!" I heard him scoff in the next room and I could tell he was rolling his eyes at me. I laughed at the thought of it. I walked into my room, wearing his clothes that were way too big for me, the tank top that fit him perfectly looked like a dress on me. He smiled and held back a laugh when he first set eyes on me. "Don't start with me, Scott."

"C'mon babe, don't be so uptight, you look cute."

I blushed a slight bit. "Yeah right." I muttered.

"Stop fishing for compliments, kiddo."


"Got your mind off what you're wearing didn't it?"

"You're such a dork."

Scott rolled his eyes and started opening one of the two cans of paint we had sitting in the middle of the room. I closed the door to make sure we didn't get anything outside of the room splattered. Scott moved onto the next can of paint and threw me a paint brush, so we each had a bucket of paint and a brush.

We had been painting for only like 5 minutes, each of us starting on opposite sides of the room. I heard Scott walk towards me, I started to turn but he started talking, "don't move Mitch." He warned. I scoffed and turned like he told me not to. My face was greeted with his paint brush that had been sitting there, waiting for me. There was a glob of red paint on my cheek now. Scott was laughing hysterically.

"Scott Richard Hoying."

"Yeah babe?" He managed to get out in between laughs.

"You're gonna regret that."

"Yeah? Planning on beating me up?"

"I am going to kill you."

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