Chapter 9

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Scott's pov

The round ended and Mitch finally stopped shaking. The last 5 minutes, I had my arms wrapped around him and his back was against the barrel while mine was open for shots. I got hit like 4 times and I see what Mitch meant when he said it hurt. We decided against playing another game for obvious reasons, we just got in my car and headed back to Mitch's apartment. We got inside and he went straight to the mirror in the bathroom. I didn't follow him, I sat on the couch and turned on some Spongebob. "Holy shit!" That was Mitch. He must've finally seen the mark the paintball made. "Scott come here!" I rushed over to the bathroom and saw Mitch standing there with his shirt in hand and a bright purple bruise on his collarbone. There was a little bit of blood around where the paintball hit.

"That doesn't look very pretty." I state. I see him roll his eyes at me. I don't remember asking for his sass.

"What do I do?"

"Want me to try and do something to help it?"

"Uhm" he hesitated, "I guess."

I walked up to him lifted him up onto the counter top so he was more even with my height. I examined the purple mark carefully, it looked pretty bad. I slowly lifted my hand to touch it, he flinched when my finger got close. "It's alright Mitch. Just tell me if I'm hurting you." He nods. At first I just tap his shoulder and he didn't move or say anything so I assumed he was okay. I gradually moved closer and closer to the mark. He winced when my finger was about 2 inches from it. I kept going. I was about an inch from the spot where he got hit when he pushed my hand away.

"Okay that one kinda hurt." He explained.

"Alright. I won't go any further." I wrapped it up and did a couple other things to help with the pain, painkillers played the biggest role with that.

The rest of the day we just chilled and watched some tv since Mitch didn't want to move unless he had to. I was fine with that, just a day of cartoons and cuddling.

Mitch's pov

Let's go paint balling I said. It'll be fun I said. Don't be a baby, it won't hurt I said. Stupid stupid stupid. That didn't help with anything at all, if anything, it made the situation worse. Now I'm upset about having to move out and I'm hurt. Whatever. I can't do much about it. Scott shifts slightly and I look up at him, not lifting my head from his chest. "You good?"

"Yeah, just getting comfy."


That was the extent of our conversation. I know, it was very deep. I slowly drifted off and fell asleep in the arms of my brave protector.

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