Chapter 7- Some weird guy named Zabuza...

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Again! Sorry I didn't upload!

But I got an A on my project so YAY!



Kakashi was bond in Chains!

"One down" one of the ninjas said. They yanked hard on the chains and Kakashi seemed to have exploded in a glop of blood. Sakura let out a shrill scream as Kakashi's blood landed at our feet.

"Two down."

I abruptly turned to the sound of the voice to see the two strange ninjas standing behind Naruto! I couldn't react fast enough, the two ninjas swung out their chains, that were connected on each end to one of each of their hands, about to do to Naruto what they did to Kakashi!

Suddenly Sasuke was in mid air and pulled out a kunia. He threw it and it caught the chain and pinned it to a tree at the edge of the trail. He landed on the two ninja who looked up at him surprised. He then kicked them in the head sending them back and braking the hold they had on the chains which seemed to be their main weapon.

Instead of falling down though the two of them stuck out a leg and held their ground, and ran around Sasuke. One heading towards Naruto extending out his one arm that had a strange contraption around it that reassembled claws. The other one did the same but ran towards Tazuna.

"Sir! Get back!" Sakura shouted bumping him out of harms way while I felt like a useless idiot standing there watching. I shook that thought away, I was not useless!

The ninja was about to pierce Sakura when I jumped in the way right as Sasuke did, damn bastard! But before the ninja could gut us Kakashi suddenly appeared out of no where and threw the ninja back!

So Kakashi had used kawarimi! I should have known!

Tazuna looked relieved, was this what he was nerves about cause if it was he has alot of explaining to do!

"Naruto, I'm sorry I didn't save you immediately" Kakashi apologized. "I didn't think you would freeze like that. Anyways, nice job Sasuke."

I felt crestfallen, Sasuke had just shown Naruto and me up. I felt so bad I really wanted to punch Sasuke's face in right now! But... why had I froze? When me and Teno were together all these years we always beat the bad guys, never freezing. What had happened today?

I shook the thoughts away I wouldn't let another episode like this happen again, how can I avenge my clan if I continue to act like a scared little mouse! I'm better than this!

After the metal scolding I gave myself I turned my attention back to the real world Naruto looked just as devastated as me. Maybe he didn't know why he froze just like me...

Sasuke turned to Naruto. "Hey." A knowing smirk on his face. "You alright...? Scaredy cat." He then turned and walked away leaving Naruto to process what he just said.

My jaw dropped, how could he say that! Sasuke! That heartless jerk! first he shows Naruto up and humiliates him! But not just that, Naruto wasn't the only one to freeze, me too! How could that bastard!

Naruto opened his mouth to say a comeback but Kakashi interrupted him. "Naruto, Save it for later. Their claws are soaked in poison, we have to move quickly."

Only then did I notice that three claw marks were on Naruto's left hand, and that my stomach had a long single cut running down it.

"Tazuna-san" Kakashi suddenly said. In his one hand was a knocked out ninja.

"What is it" Tazuna said a little to loud and fast.

"I need to talk to you."

 The cut at my side we killing me! I had already smelled to poison and recognized it as the moon leaf poison. Deadly to those who haven't built up an immunity, but I was fine because I built up an immunity for almost every poison known to man. We had begun to tie up the two ninjas to a tree as they began to wake.

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