Will I love Again?

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Chapter 1

"Shut up! I'm talking when i talk you listen bitch!" yelled my husband as he had me pinned against the wall and his hand gripping my neck. I could smell the liquor and cigarette smell in his breathe as continued to scream in my face. "I have had with your disrespecting and back talking to me...you're nothing you hear me nothing!" My head started swimming because of the lack of oxygen. "Please baby i wasn't trying to disrespect...I love you please let me go I'll do anything...anything!" i pleaded as I tried to move away from his grip.

He looked at me with his blood shot eyes and began breathing heavily. He slowly loosen his grip from my neck. He walked away into the living room takin a huge gulp of what was left of the whiskey then turned around throwing the bottle at me. I managed to duck in time the bottle shattered on the wall. "Clean that fucking shit up, Dani!

More tears fell from my eyes as I picked up the pieces of glass on the floor. My husband Andy had passed out on the couch. I walked into the bathroom and I saw my face in the mirror. My jaw was bruised, I had a shinner, bruised marks on my neck from where he choked me, cheecks puffy from crying and blood running from myI nose. I looked like a beast. I managed to clean my face up as much as I could it hurt when I tried. I took a shower as i washed my body i could see all the old bruises and scars that were healed and somewhat going away. They were a constant memory of Andy's anger issues.

I felt like dying everytime he'd yell at me or struck me. We fell in love so young got married. But, ever since then he started showing a side of him that i never dreamed of seeing. When we met he was the sweetest funniest and charming man i ever met. I want to runaway but I'm afraid of what he might do if I did.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed in the bedroom. I suddenly jumped when I saw Andy standing at the bedroom door. His eyes were pierced to mine as began to shake. "Why did you leave me in the livingroom on the couch?" he asked slowly walking toward me. "You were sleeping so peacefully..I-I didn't want to wake you,honey." I answered with a shakiness in my voice. "No you didn't you're pissed at me so you sent me to the couch!" "No honey i swear..." "Shut up, you are obviously pissed at me! So, why are you pissed!" "Andy i told you I'm not angry with you." "You know what I'm so tired of you." He walked over to his drawer and pulled out a 9mm out. "Andy,Andy what are you doing?" I studdered out backing away from the bed. "I said it a thousand times...I am so sick of you treating me as if I'm an idiot." He raised the gun up pointing it at me. At this moment I was ready to die. I closed my eyes. The sound of the gun pops in the sound rings into my ear until there's silence.

Okay you guys tell me what you think so far. Vote and comment please...Just so you know this is a fanfic and yes Robert Downey jr is in it...also u can follow me on twitter: mrsdowney903 and instagram the user is the same as twitter. Hope u enjoyed i will post the next chapter tonight.

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