Chapter 7

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"Mrs. Wilson, I'm so sorry for your lose." said the doctor. I was a wreak and tramatized. My hair was tangled and wet from the tears. My face was puffy and white my eyes were sore from the crying. My head was swimming and i just wanted to pass out. "Mrs. Wilson, are you okay." I began twitching and shaking. I wasn't having a seizure i just felt like as if i could control my emotions. "I-Is he r-really d-dead?" I managed to choke out studdering. "Yes Ma'am I'm so sorry." he rubbed my back. I quickly got up still twitching and pasing around. "It's all my fault. I killed him." "No, it's not your fault. You didn't kill him. He did it to himself." "NO, NOOO! I KILLED HIM YOU HEAR ME! I WAS A BAD WIFE I DIDN'T DO WHAT HE ASKED! IT'S MY FAULT,MY FAULT!" screaming at the top of my lungs. The doctor held me close to him as I wept. Next thing I knew I passed out in his arms.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed i was in a hospital bed. I could see the nurse checking the monitor and writing down what she read. She turned to see me and smiled. "Well hello sleepy head. You gave the doctor quite the shock." She leaned next to the bed and pushed the button to lift my bed up more so i could sit up. "I'm going to let the doctor know you are awake." The nursed walked out the door and closed it behind her. I sat there realizing that my life is going to change. A knock on the door and someone walked in it was Andy's parents. His mom was crying and yet she still looked angry. They both were mad. "What the hell happen last night Dani? I get a call saying that my son killed himself. I want to really know what went down." said Andy's dad with anger in his voice. "Exactly what the police told you happen. Look at my face your son did this to me. For five years he has done nothing but beat me. He was an alcoholic which had nothing to do with me. I didn't kill him he did it to himself. So before you go accusing me of lying to the police maybe you should just get over it!" I yelled in frustration. How dare they think that the police lied to them? It was my statement and the evidence proved it. They stood there shocked at all that I had said. But, thought she needed to have the last word. "I hope you know you're not getting a dime of his money. I will see to it you don't you heartless bitch!" "Heartless? I loved your son. I suffered five years of marriage with him. The constant abuse and scares,bruises,broken bone, even near death experiences. Yet i stayed with him putting on a fake smile everytime we came to visit or be around friends. So, don't ever tell me I'm heartless because you don't know shit. For his money you can keep it all I signed a pre-nup after we got married. So, spare me threats and you can both go fuck yourselves!" They stood there taking in what i said. "We will handle Andy's funeral...Goodbye." said Andy's dad. They both left out the door and i could hear them arguing outside the walls as it disappeard. The door opened once more and there the doctor came in. He smiled at me and sat in the stool next to me. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Like a new person. I'm sorry about last night." "It's alright Mrs.Wilson you were upset." "So, do i get to leave now." "Well your test came back negative for any life threatenting so I'm going to head out and sign your discharge papers. Do you need anything?" "I would really like something to eat." He let out a laugh and and nodded his head yes. "I'll tell the nurse to bring you some food." He walked out and closed the door. I went to the bathroom to clean myself up a little. I had a hard time getting dressed with the I.V still in my arm. The nurse came in and removed it which felt better. I sat there waiting for the doctor. After a few minutes the nurse walked in handing me my papers. I signed a few sheets of paper and headed out. I began walking back to the house on foot because i had no money for a taxi.

I made it to the house to see crime scene tape around the house. I walked in the house into our bedroom. Flashback ran through my head as i packed all my clothes and shoes into the suitcases we had in the closet. I reach under my side of the bed and took out this huge jewelry box with a lock on it. I opened the box with my key took out all the jewelry and money i had saved in there. I grabbed the keys to my car and walked out. I opened the trunk and placed the suitcases into the trunk and closed it. I got into the car started it and droved off. Leaving everything behind I knew it was right. I lost all contact with everyone all I did was drive. Drived until I couldn't no more where ever i broke down at is where i would live.

I wrote this chapter so you guys could read about all that happend to Dani. Pretty messed up huh? Please vote and comment next chapter tomorrow because I'm going to start the first chapter of my new fanfic Thank you hope you like the next one.

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