Chapter 5

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It was 5 o'clock and the customer has just left. I collected everything and placed them in the safe. I took some time to organize the counter because lets just say Robert wasn't so neat. Men. I heard a loud thud I dropped what i was doing to follow the sound. The sound was coming from Robert's office. I looked inside and to see Robert pick up boxes and placing them back on the shelves. There were papers scattered all over the floor. Another fell box fell and out of frustation Robert yelled out, "Son of bitch!" I let out a giggle he turned to see me at the door giving me a half smile. "Having some trouble I see?" I joked walking over next to him picking up all the papers and placing them in the box. "You could say that. I been meaning to organize but I didn't have an employee to help out." He turned to look at me and gives me a smirk causing me to blush. "Until now." "Why haven't you have help before?" "Because I had her." He handed me a picture of a woman standing next to a tree. She had the most beautiful long brown hair, eyes blue, with ivory white skin. She was beautiful and elegant I can see why Robert has moved on. "She's beautiful. What's her name?" "Her name was Erin. We got married when I was 25 and she was 24. Best 10 years of my life." "Any kids?" "Sadly no. We tried but, we stopped when we found out she had cancer." Robert stood up to take the box and placed it once again on the shelf. I walked over to him and place my hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. She seemed like an amazing happy woman when she was with you." He turns around with pain in his eyes. "Don't worry you'll find love again." i assured giving him a smile and patting his shoulder. "Maybe sooner. If I'm lucky." He said sarcastically gave me a smile and took my hand. "It's closing time. Go home. Be here by 8 A.M tomorrow." I nodded my head and walked out. I went to grab my purse and walked out the door.

As i walked i saw Julie in her car honking the horn. I stepped in and asked, "How'd you know i would be off?" "Honey, I buy my decorations here I have to know what time it closes." I let out a laugh and looked back at the store. I seen Robert waving to us goodbye. I waved back and he smiled. "That is one sweet man." said Julie. "Yes he is." "Ooo and boy is he sexy i wish i was your age again. I could make his toes curl." I busted out laughing and she did as well.

After dinner at Julie's I went back home to take a shower and get ready for bed. Not even before I could turn the light off there was a knock at the door. I opened it the stood Julie with a thermas and two coffee cups. "Sorry to bother you I just had to come over because I been dying to ask something." She came inside and took a seat on the couch. I pulled the coffee table over she set what she had on to the table. She poured me and herself a cup of coffee. "I hope you like it straight I didn't feel like bringing sugar. I was in a hurry." I let out small laugh. "Its fine, so what did you want to ask?" Julie got all excited and faced me. "I wanted to talk to you about your boss. I'm dying to know how your day went." I began blushing and laughing. "It was fine Robert's really sweet,funny, and well he's just great." I said smiling. "You forgot to mention incredibly sexy. Damn, those eyes, his chizzled feature, and what a body. Girl i would be trying to get that every chance i could. He's really filled out over the years. Such a sweetheart though." I busted out laughing at her. Julie was showing her true side which I'm starting to love. "Yes he's good looking but, i would do all that now." I said. "Child that man is perfect for you and judging by the way he looks at you. Haha, there's hope." I put my head down thinking about all that happened today. I realized that I had smiled nearly the whole day. Something I haven't done in nearly 5 years when I was with Andy. I faked my smiles for years and today behind my smile i felt good. "Yeah maybe but, I could never be ready." I said sadly. "Let me tell you something. It may have not work out the first time. For me it took three times. But, i can assure you the next time you'll know." Julie rubbed my back and smiled. "Listen to your heart and not your mind. What you think could never agree to what you feel. It took me so many times to finally find the love of my life." She let out a sigh and chuckled. It was silent for a few seconds. I decided to break it by her about everything that happend today. I even told her about Lisa the waitress Julie told me to just ignore her. She got all jumpy when I told her that Robert seem to have been flirting with me.

It was getting late and Julie went back home. I layed in bed thinking about today and how much I enjoyed myself. For some reason I began to think about Robert for some reason. He was so amazing. He knew how to make me laugh, smile, and feel good about myself. I thought about his smile, his big brown eyes, and the way he smelled. His cologne still stayed in my senses. I'm still so confused about everything he and I are both widows. Could this be fate? I have no clue but one thing is for certain I would try not to fall in love. Its too soon for trying to find another. Robert and I are just friends.

*Sorry for the delay in the next chapter I've had a huge headache almost all day. But chapter 6 will be out either later tonight or tomorrow please vote and comment please and thank you.*

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