Chapter 16

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Robert's POV

I was at the store stocking up the shelves with the new shipment that came in. I finished and was about to head out the door to go pick Dani. Lisa walks in and stands there smiling at me. In my mind I was thinking, What the hell does she want? She walked up to me and sat down on the counter. "Hey, you got a minute. I need to talk to you?" she asked. I let out a sigh. "What do you want I'm running late to pick up my girlfriend?" i said with frustration in my face. "Robert, What is it going to take for you to be mine? I know Dani is being super friendly to with that guy she went to lunch with." "Lisa, I trust Dani. She loves me and I doubt she would ever consider a guy like Tom." "Stop lying to yourself. She is setting you up. You should have seen how she was when she was with him. All smiles, hugging, and kissing." I began to get pissed hearing what Lisa was saying. "Just stop okay, I don't believe you!" She looks out the window the throws herself at me. She places a kiss on my lips. I heard the door open and there stood Dani.

I was thinking in my head, Lisa set me up. I tried to explain to Dani what happen but, she wouldn't listen. I chased her out the door and jumps into Tom's car. I watched her drive off and my heart broke. I walked back inside super pissed. "Why the fuck did you do that?!" I yelled. "I love you and I want you to be with me!" I grabbed Lisa by her arms and squeezed them tight. "I will never be with you. I will never ever love. You just ruined my life!" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the door. "Robert, please listen to me!" "You stay the fuck away from me! Get out and don't ever come back!" I slammed the door and locked it. I watched her leave in her car speeding off down the road.

I went out the back door and jumped into my truck. I needed to see Dani. Maybe Tom dropped her off at home or Julie's. I arrived at Dani's house and check to see if she was home. Nothing. I ran over to Julie's and knocked on her door. Julie opens the door. "Julie is Dani here." i asked. "No sweety she's not here. Did you check her house?" "No Ma'am she left with Tom. I assumed he dropped her off here." "Maybe she went to his house." I hated the idea that it maybe true. "Do you know where he lives?" I asked. "No sweety I don't." "I'm gonna go look for her. For some reason something is not right." "I'll come with you."

Julie and I went door to door to see if anyone knew where Tom lived. No one knew. I was getting tired and Julie could tell. She insisted we go to the diner and have a coffee. We pulled up and I saw Tom walking out of the Diner. I stepped out truck and walked up to him. "Tom, where's Dani?" I asked angerly. He grinned at me which was pissing me off. "I'm sorry, I'm not authorized to give out that information." I grabbed his shirt with both hands and slammed him against my truck. "Now you listen here you fucking prick. If you don't tell me where she is, so help me I will beat you the living shit out of you." "Like i said, I don't know where she is. She told me not to tell you. You're so pathetic, you will never be man enough for Dani. At least I can take the pain away." I punched Tom in the jaw and he hit the ground. I went to punch him again but, Julie pulled me back. "Robert don't its not worth it." I looked at her she gave me an expression which only I understood. I got up and stood next to my truck. Julie had me by my arm as we watched Tom get off the ground. He got into his car and drove off. "Get in the truck and let's go." said Julie she got in the driver's seat and started the truck. I jumped in and she sped off in the truck.

I notice she was following Tom's car but a far distance. "We follow the bastard we find Dani." she said. Tom turned down a road and pulled into the driveway of a small house. We waited at the end of the road so he wouldn't see that we followed him. I noticed another car in his driveway. A older woman stepped out and followed Tom into the house. Then I recognized her. It was the lady from the shop asking for Dani. Andy's mom. "Son of bitch, we have to go in there." i said. "Wait, what for?" asked Julie. "Dani, is in danger." She gave me a stunned look and reached in her purse pulling out small pistol. We slowly walked up the dirt drive way and knocked on the door.

What will happen? Next chapter tomorrow sorry to leave you hanging but, I'm trying to get my nephew to sleep. Vote and comment.

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