Chapter 6

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I woke up with beads of sweat again. Same nightmare of the night Andy killed himself. That night seem to burrowed in my memory and i wish it could just go away. The flashbacks of my marriage played over and over in my head. I wish my mind could be cleared of all the horror in my life and just move on.

I went to the bathroom brush my teeth and my hair. I Got dressed put my make up on and headed out the door. I ate breakfast over at Julie's before I got into to the car George called my name. "Hey Dani I'm going to go in the trailer later today to fix up in there. Is that okay?" asked George. "No, its okay. It's your trailer still." I said letting out a small laugh. He nodded his head and walked over to his truck. Julie drove out of the drive way and into town. She dropped me off at Robert's store. "You have fun now." said Julie wiggling her eyebrows up and down. I laughed and shook my head waving bye. I walked inside and took my place at the registar. I sat on the stool looking out the window next to the door. People were walking around town smiling, laughing,and greeting eachother. It was so quiet I wonder where Robert was. "BOO!" screamed someone in behind. I jumped so high from fear fell of the stool hitting the floor. I let out a scream and turned around to see Robert hovered over the counter laughing. "You asshole! You scared me half to death!" I yelled trying to regain my breath and possibly my heart rate. Robert turned red from laughing so hard. "Are you going to help me up?" "I would but i can breathe." He said letting out another laugh. I got up and pushed him away from the counter and sat back down on the stool. He slowly began to stop laughing and began to regain normal breathing. He looked at me giving me his famous smile. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Sorry for scaring you. I just could resist." apologized Robert. I glared at him and said, "I don't think I could forgive you. You nearly gave me a heart attack." I turned away from him on the stool pretending to be mad. "Come on don't be mad at me." He comes over behind me and his lips were near my ear. I could feel him breathing softly causing me to break out in goosebumps. "Please, forgive me." he begged all child-like which i found really cute. "Nope sorry." All of a sudden he poked my side making me jump. "Stop, I'm tickleish!" "Oh really?" He began tickling me. I started laughing and pleading him to stop. He wrapped his arms around me and picks me up over his shoulder. "ROBERT PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed laughing lightly punching Robert in his back. "Not til you forgive me." "Okay,okay I forgive you!" He gently put me down. Still holding my waist we just stood there looking at eachother. His eyes were so gorgeous i just got lost in a trance. Robert took his hand and caressed my cheek. He smiled at me and says, "You're so beautiful." I smiled at him but then snapped out of it. I back away from him and moved back to the cash register. "Umm, we should be getting to work." I said sternly. "Dani, It's okay. I was just complimenting you." "I don't need you to compliment me! I'm not going to give you anything." "Whoah, give me something? What makes you think i was trying?" "All men want the same thing once you give it to them they take you for granted. Treating you like trash and then next thing you know your in front of the mirror cleaning up the blood from your scars!" I don't know what came over me. For some reason I was screaming at Robert for nothing. I just can't let him into my heart. A tear fell down my cheek I turned away and wiped off. "Dani, I never meant to offend you or try anything slick. I felt that you deserve to hear what I see. Your are so beautiful,caring,and you make me smile everytime I look at you. I just want to be your friend." I could hear his footsteps walking away. "By the way, you didn't deserve that kind of treatment. A man who hits a woman is not a real man. Maybe someday you'll just give me a chance to prove to you that I'm here for you." He walked into his office and i let out a sigh. What the hell is wrong with me? Why did i just yell at him? I felt so bad. Maybe he's right, I should just give him a chance.

It was a dead end day. Robert and I haven't spoke to eachother all day. It was closing time and I went to Robert's office to say goodbye. Well more like apologize. Robert was sitting at his desk working on something. I knocked on the door but, Robert didn't lift his head up to acknowledge me. "Hey Robert." "I'm kind of busy right now good night." he said with frustration in his voice. "I just came here to apologize for earlier. I had no reason to get mad at you its just that..." I paused trying to compose myself. I was just going to tell him everything. "Its just that I'm afraid. I'm afraid to let anyone care about me or anything. If i get to much into a relationship its as if my life would go back to the way it was. Back to the beating, yelling,and degrating. Its like everyday you just want end it all because you start believe it." I screamed out what Andy told me the last night he was alive. "I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOUR DISRESPECTING! YOU'RE NOTHING, YOU HEAR ME NOTHING!" Tears fell down my eyes as I wept covering my face. All of a sudden I felt Robert's strong warm embrace. "Shh, its okay. Its over." His voice was comforting and soothing. He pulled away and cuffed my face in his hand taking his thump and wiped my tears away. "I wish that I could take the pain away. But, i promise you that i will never make you feel less than a woman. Dani, i want you to feel loved again. I love being with you." I smiled at all the beautiful things he said to me. It made me feel a whole lot better. Robert suddenly leaned in towards me and presses his lips against mine. You'd figured I'd pull away from his kiss but, for some reason I didn't. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in closer to his body. My arms wrapped around his neck running my fingers through his hair. Our lips moved in unison. I could feel his tongue caressing mine. Suddenly I heard a loud honk from outside. It was Julie. I pulled away from the kiss trying to regain my breath. "I gotta go goodnight." Robert smiled giving me a small kiss on my lips. I smiled back and walked out of his office.

On the way home and the rest of the night all i could think about was that amazing kiss Robert and I shared. It was so passionate it was a kiss i have never experienced. Not even with Andy. For some reason I felt a spark between me and Robert. Even though I promised never to fall in love again. I felt like breaking it. Yet, even though Robert and I may have a thing going on. I don't want to rush in it to fast. I don't know I guess I'll have to wait and see.

I told Julie what happend today. She started getting all jittery and happy for me. "You know I thought you would have smacked him stupid when he kissed you. I guess I was wrong you could never resist a man like that." said Julie taking a sip of her coffee. "The way he kissed me. It was like he had been holding it in for awhile. I have never experienced a kiss like that." I felt butterflies in my stomach and my goosebumps wouldn't go away. "Girl, you better not let this man go. Robert is an amazing man and he can treat you so much better than that asshole you had before." "I'll have to wait and see I guess." I said. For now, Robert and I are a pending relationship.

Wow they kissed! Do you think Dani should just go with it and give her heart out. Or should she hide what she feels and see where it goes? Vote and comment please!! Next chapter will b out soon!

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