Chapter 8

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*One month later*

Me and Roberts relationship kind of grew into a good friendship. He helped me fix up my trailer which looks so much better. Robert brought over a box of beautiful nick naks an placed them on the shelf he build on the wall. Julie was so happy with the way the trailer came out and that i was finally smiling more. It was as if i forgot my past and just lived.

Robert and I haven't kissed or tried anything since that time in his office. I think he knew that I still wasn't ready. I was taking this slow even though I couldn't resist Robert's flirtation everyday at work. I became friends with a few woman in town. One of them is name Lou Ann she was a teacher at the local school. The other friend i have her name Josie she works at the local furniture store. Let's just say life is looking up for me.

I was sitting at the register writing down today's earning. I saw Robert come in running and jumps on the counter in front of me. He's so childish and cute. I let out a smile and shook my head. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked in a child like voice. "I'm working, what do you want?" I said still working on the numbers. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to the towns 4th of July festival tomorrow." I looked him smiling. "Let me guess, with you?" He gave me devious smile and nodded his head yes. I shook my head while rolling my eyes. "So?" "Okay, I'll go with you." He jumped off the counter and ran over to me. He threw his arms around me and gave me a huge hug. He lifted me up and swinging me side to side. "Okay,Okay put me down." I said laughing. He puts me down and walked away to his office. "Dress nicely!" he said as it echoed down the aisle. I let out a laugh and continued working.

After work Lou Ann and Josie invited me to dinner. "Tell me Dani, how are you handling working with Robert. Now I know you said your just friends but, come on he's one good looking man. I seriously wish I was you at this moment." said Lou Ann taking a sip of her glass of wine. I smiled and said, "I'm handling it fine. He's really sweet and all but, we're just friends." Josie let out laugh and said, "Come on now I see the way you to look at eachother. I think there's a spark between you. It's been a month. You should like take it to the next level." "No way, I couldn't." i said. "Seriously, maybe you should see what may happen." I sat there thinking about how they were wanting me to be happy. I just don't know still.

After dinner and Josie took me home. I layed in bed thinking about tomorrow and what would happen. I ended up thinking about Robert all night. His eyes,smile, and the amazing kiss we shared in his office. For some reason I can't get him of my mind. Everytime i think about him I end up smiling and laughing. Holy crap! I'm falling in love with him!

The town looked so festive and beautiful. They had music playing and everyone was dancing. Lou Ann and Josie saw me and ran over. "Oh my word, Dani you look amazing. All out for Robert are we." I pushed her playfully and smiled. "I love your dress." said Josie. I wear a short blue dress the laces hung down my shoulder. My hair was up in an updue with curls on the top Julie did my hair. I saw Robert walking towards us as slow music played in the background. He looked so handsome wearing a blue botton down shirt tucked in with black pants and dress shoes. His hair was cut short and spiked up nicely. I was practically almost drooling good thing no one could see it. "Hello ladies, good evening." The girls reaction to Robert was the same as mine. "Good evening Robert. Can we help you?" Said Josie smiling. "Do you mind if I steal Ms. Dani from you for the remainder of the night." "Hmm, maybe. Go ahead." I let out a laugh as i took Robert's hand. His eyes stayed lock to me. Josie and Lou Ann gave me wink and i blushed.

Robert showed me around the festivites he even joined a pie eating contest. I couldn't laughing at how funny he looked when he sat there scarfing down the strawberry pies. He won and I helped him wipe his face which was red from the pie. We held hands through out the night. Suddenly a song I loved came on called "After All" that was sung by Cher and Peter Cetera. Robert lead me to the dancefloor and we began slow dancing. "You look so beautiful tonight." he said softly. Our eyes stayed lock to eachother. I smiled and blushed when he said those words to me. "You look very handsome yourself." I said. He cracked a smirk on his face. He pulled me closer and kissed my forhead. I rest my head on his shoulder as we kept dancing. I felt so happy in his arms.

We sat together on the grass at field where shot the fireworks. I sat in front of Robert he had his arms around me as i layed against him. The fireworks were so beautiful. The night was just so perfect. "Dani?" said Robert in my ear. "Yes?" I answered. "Are you happy?" I turned to look at him. "Of course, happier than I have been in a long time." "I mean with me." "Yes Robert why do you ask?" He hesitated a moment then replied, "Over this past month my feelings towards you have sort of changed. I feel like I need to be near you to make you smile, hold you when you are sad, and just tell you everyday how beautiful and amazing you are." "Where are you getting at?" "What I'm trying to say is that..." he paused a moment and ran his hands through his hair. "What?" I asked anxiously. "I'm in love with you, Dani." I sat there in shock. I was speechless and couldn't move. Robert looked at me waiting for me to say something. I quickly jumped up and walked away. "Dani wait!" yelled Robert from behind me. He was chasing me as i speed walked down the road. He made it to me and grabbed my arm. "Let go!" I snapped trying to break free of his grip which i couldn't break. "No, not until you tell me what's wrong." "Robert please just let me go." "Why? Is it because of what I said? Tell me." "Let go!" "No! Tell me why?" "I'm afraid!" Tears fell down my eyes. "Dani, you don't have to be afraid. I love you and I could never ever bring myself to hurt you." "I just can't Robert. I just can't!" "Please, give me a chance to show you. I promise you won't hurt you." I looked up at his pleading eyes. I love him too I just can't tell him until I know he's not going to turn into Andy. "Okay, I'll give you a chance." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. He placed his lips against mine and kissed me so passionatly. Our tongues explored eachothers mouths. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I fell deeper into his kiss. I guess it's offical Robert and I were a couple.

Sorry it took so long to put up another chapter i've been busy with the other story. So Robert and Dani are together! But will she get over her insecurites and let Robert love her? And will she finally tell him that she also loves him too? We'll see! Vote and comment please.

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