Chapter 11

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I sat up from the floor still naked and went to put my clothes on. Robert got up and seen my facial expressions. I was completely regreting what just happend. Robert went to put his pants on and followed me. I was walking back to the register. "Is something wrong?" I didn't answer him. "Baby, you can tell me." I turned to him and said, "I think i made a mistake." "What do mean a mistake?" "What just happend in your office was a mistake." "I don't think it was. Dani, I love you with all my heart and I was so happy that i was able to show you that love in a way that felt right." "That's the thing, both of us should be in love equally." "What are you trying to say? That you don't feel the same way." I felt bad that i had to lie to him. I just wasn't as ready as I should be. But, I had to do it. "No, I don't." His eyes grew weak as I notice he was fighting off the tears. "I understand, take all the time you want. If you don't want what happen earlier in the to happen again. Then it won't. I just want you to know that I'm willing to do anything for you. What you want is what matters most." A tear fell from my eyes. Robert was too good to be true. He was so understanding at what mattered most to me. I felt as if I'm not being fair to him. Yet, I know in my heart that once I'm ready I will tell him. He turned around to leave but, I grabbed his arm pulling him back. I ran my hands up his body and wrapped my arms around his neck running my fingers through his hair. He let out a sigh and looked into my eyes. "Don't be upset. Although, I will admit what happend in your office was spectacular." He gave me a smirk and kissed me. He kiss was so deep and intimate I fell weak in the kness. He slowly pulled away and wispered in my ear, "I love you." He gave me one short kiss and walked away. I place my hands over lips and let out a sigh. The sex was out of this world and now I don't think i will ever forget it.

I sat at home in my room reading a book just so I can fall asleep. A knock came at the door as I walked down the hallway to see who it was. I opened the door and it was Tom. He looked at me smiling holding a plate full of cookies. I gave him a funny look and asked, "How did you find out where I lived?" "Julie." I'm going to hurt that woman. "Come in." Tom walkes in and scans the room. "Lovely home." he said. "Thank you, so what brings you here this late at night." "I baked this cookies here for you and I felt like we should share them." He sat down on the couch and placed the cookies on the table. "I hope you like oatmeal and raisin." he said taking the plastic off the plate. "I love oatmeal and raisin. So thoughtful thank you." I took a bite out of the cookie. It was nice and moist. "Oh my God, these cookies are amazing." I said with a mouthul. Tom let out a laugh. "Why thank you darling, glad you like them." I smiled at him and went to fix him a glass of milk. "How are you holding up,Dani?" he asked. "Good, I guess just been really occupied with work and all." "How's Robert doing?" "He's doing fine." "That's good, Dani I wanna ask you something." "What is it?" He kind of hesitated and then asked, "How official are you with Robert?" "I don't know to be honest." "You seem unsure when your with him. Its as if your afraid of him and it bothers me." "How can it bother you? As for afraid I don't agree with that." "It bothers me because I feel as if you are faking it with him." "What are you trying to say?" "Dani, I really like you. I know you have a boyfriend but, I'm jealous of Robert." My eyes grew wide and I became nervous. "How can you be jealous of Robert?" I asked. "Because he has you." he said. It was all clear Tom has a crush on me. "Tom, you and I are just friends. You are a sweet and handsome man but, I'm with Robert. I really care about him and if care about me then you would understand." I can tell he was bother yet put on a smile. "You are right, I'm sorry its just I felt like you should know how I felt. But, if it doesn't work out with you and Robert. I'm always here for you." I smiled at him and gave him a hug. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I should let you sleep Goodnight Dani." He stood up and let himself out the door. I felt uncomfortable now that Tom told me how he felt. I don't know I shouldn't let it bother me so much.

It was Saturday morning and Robert came by to pick me up. I noticed he was driving out of town and not to the shop. "Why are we not going to work today?" I asked. "I closed the shop today because I have a suprise for you." "What suprise?" "If I tell then it won't be a suprise now would it." I rolled my eyes and smiled as I looked out the window. Robert took my hand as our fingers interwinded. We drove nearly thirty minutes and turned to go down a dirt road. It was really bumpy ride as i tried to figure out where he was taking me. Down the road the grass disappeared as trees filled around us. Robert stops the truck and jumpes out. He opens my door and helps me out. I stopped a moment. "Your not planning on killing me are you?" I asked. He let out a laugh and pulled my arm. "No, come on." He covered my eyes as he lead me down a hill. I almost fell but, Robert caught me. We then stopped and Robert takes his hand away from my eyes. I look to see a beautiful river flowing with flowers in every direction. I noticed there was a picnic blanket laid out on the grass. It was so beautiful I turned to Robert and smiled. "You did all of this for me?" He gave me a small kiss on the lips. "Yes." He lead me over and I sat down on the blanket. "Wait here." He said as he ran back up the hill. I looked out at the scenery which was so calming and soothing. Robert came back with to picnic baskets and a cooler. He sat down and placed the food on the side. "I brought some chicken salad sandwhiches, my world famous potato salad, my other world famous linguenni alredo, and strawberry cheesecake." My mouth watered when he pulled out all that food. He pulled out a bottle of champagne and poured some into a the wine glasses. "A toast to the most beautiful and a amazing woman I love." I blushed as we clink our glasses together and taking a sip of the champagne. We began to eat our meal and he wasn't lying about world famous potato salad and linguenii it was fantastic. We shared a slice of cheesecake and it was delicious.

Once we were finished Robert take me for a walk alongside the river. "Dani, I just love being around you. You make smile something I haven't done in a long time. Being with you let's me know that everything is going to be okay. I want you to know that I will always treat you with the up most respect and love you unconditionally. I know you don't feel the same for me but, I will try my hardest to be patient and pray that you too will find the strength to love again." I began to cry after hearing those beautiful speech he gave me. He pulled me close as I rest me head on his chest. His heart beat soothed me as i held him clothes. Robert was so wonderful I wish I had met him alongtime ago. I looked up at him and caressed his cheek. "Thank you so much for making this day so amazing. You make me feel special and loved." I said gazing into his big beautiful eyes. "You are already special." I pulled him close and kissed him. We kissed so pationatly under the beautiful sky. This date I couldn't ever forget. In my heart I felt that i have found the love of my life and I wasn't going to let him go.

Suddenly, something came over me it was like weight lifted off me. "I love you." I said outloud. Robert looks at me shocked at what he heard. Hell, I was shock. "What did you just say?" He asked. I smiled at him and said, "I love you." He began to freak out as I laughed at him. "You, you love me?" I smiled at him taking his face into my hands. "Yes, I love you Robert. I love you, I love you,I love you." He let out a scream of excitement and picked me up swinging me around. "SHE LOVES ME! DANI WILSON FINALLY SAYS SHE LOVES ME!" I laughed as he twirled me around. He put me down and presses a long pationate kiss on my lips. I fell into his kiss as my tongue danced around his. I finally told him and I felt good about it.

Okay guys sorry for the long wait i have been extremely busy planning my next fanfic or just a random story. I will try and have the next chapter soon I won't be babysitting for awhile so I'll finally put more chapters out. Vote and comment please thank you.

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