Chapter 9

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Ever since Robert and I became a couple its been the best. Poor Julie doesn't drive me to work no more because Robert comes and picks me up. Let's just say he was smothering me and to be honest I loved it. I never felt so happy in my life. But, in my mind it was still going to fast. Lou Ann called me over to her house so she could talk to me. Must have been important when I had to skip lunch with Robert.

I walked into Lou Ann's house who was sitting there with tea, and small turkey salad sandwhiches. "Hey, Lou Ann you wanted to talk to me." i asked. She seemed unsettled and upset when i looked at her. "Dani, I heard Robert confessed his love for you. Do you love him as well?" she asked he voice sounded like she was about to cry. "To be honest, I don't know. I'm afraid he's going to turn into ex husband if I stay with him." "How can you say that? I've known Robert for years he has never changed into a monster. I use to be his wife's best friend." she paused as a tear fell down her cheek. "Erin was always so happy when she was with Robert. He would do special things for her like give her a flower every other day. There was this one time on their one year anniversary he had cleaned the entire house fixed it up with a trail of rose petals leading to the kitchen. He had fix a beautiful dinner and dressed up so handsome. Even when she came in with her hair all a mess and a simple red and white plaided dress that was dirty from her gardening that day. He told how beatiful she looked even though she didn't feel that way. He was so romantic and caring. They were married for 10 wonderful years. Their very last year together when she got terminal cancer and grew weak. Things stayed the same he was by her side. When she passed he went into a deep depression. Til' this day he still visit her grave. He keeps it well tended and plants beautiful lily's which was Erin's favorite flower. You see you were married for five years with a man who didn't appreciate you. Don't you think its fate that you and Robert were meant for eachother. Just don't hurt him or yourself never take Robert for granted." I sat there with tears rolling down my face taking in every word Lou Ann told me. She was right maybe I'm not taking this so seriously. I have got to stop being afraid of Robert and let him love me.

I left back to work and noticed Robert talking to someone in the store. I walked in to see a blonde haired woman whos back was turned to me. Robert looks at me with a disturbed face. The woman turned around to face me. My mouth dropped when I noticed it was Andy's mom. How in the hell did she find me? She didn't look so happy to see me. Robert stepped out of the room and into his office so she and I could talk. I looked at her confused and asked, "How did you find me?" "You don't need to worry about how I found you. You and I have some unfinished busy to attend to." she said sternly. "What do you want?" "I need you to come with me back to California with me." "Why?" "To turn yourself in. I know you killed my son for Christ sakes you ran away. I knew you were hiding something from me." "Are you kidding me? I told you the truth. I left because I wanted a new life and leave you guys in peace. I never dreamed of hurting Andy and I never did." "Stop lying to me!" "I'm not lying! You know what just leave I don't have time for this!" "Fine, you think you can get away with this, you're dead wrong. When you least expect it you are going to pay for what you did." She left out of the door to her car and sped off. I hope she never comes back. I heard Robert's footsteps behind me. I could feel his arms around me and he kissed the side of my head. I guess he heard the whole conversation. "No matter what happens I'll never let anything or anyone harm you." I turned around to wrap my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. I felt safe again but, still afraid that my past was about to be a nightmare for this town.

Today was the towns local picnic festival that celebrated the day Crogers was founded by J.H Crogers in 1817. I was helping Josie serve people food when a young man I have never seen before come up to us. He had short brown hair,blue eyes, and one beautiful smile. He came up with his plate smiling at me. "May I have some potato salad please?" he asked putting his plate towards me. I noticed he had a cute british accent. "Sure." I said with a smile. He wink at me and walked down the line. Okay, I had to admit he was really cute. "Oh my word is it just me or did I just fall in love." said Josie staring the young man down. I let out a laugh. "I'm serious he's gorgeous come on I gotta find out his name." She pulled my arm and led me to where he sat. She nudged me signaling me to talk. He looked up at me giving me another smile. "Can I help you,Ma'am." "Um, Hi my name is Dani and this my friend Josie. You seem new here to town and I couldn't well my friend couldn't help but ask what your name was?" He let out a chuckle and answered, "My name is Tom Hiddleston." "That's a really nice name. Your accent is a bit off where are you from?" asked Josie. I guess she finally gained some confidence. "I originally hail from London but, moved here from New York. I'm here for business reasons." "That's fasinating is it true that all british men are super charming and romantic." I nudged Josie when she said that. "What I'm just asking?" Tom looked at me smiling which made me blush. "It's quite fine, sometime maybe even more charming than most think." I smiled at him. For some reason he was flirting with me. "Josie I think we need to get back to our station and let Mr. Hiddleston get back to his meal." I said pulling Josie. "Call me Tom." "Okay, enjoy." Josie and I walked back to our spot. "Damn, he is fine and the way talks." I rolled my eyes at her swooning over Tom. Robert walked over and wrapped his over me and kisses my cheek. "Who is so fine?" he asked. "The new guy in town over there." Josie pointed at Tom who was still eating at the table. He was chatting with some people who sat with him. "His name is Tom." Josie got a bit gittery when she said his name. Robert let out a laugh and said, "Nice." Robert turned to me and asked, "You wanna go walk around." I nodded my head yes. We walked around looking over all the games they had. Seeing all the kids smiling and playing made me feel happy. I look to see Tom playing with some of the kids. He looked up at me giving me a smile as he played the game. I smiled back and keep walking with Robert who had his arm around my shoulder. Robert and I stopped to play one of the games that calles for throwing a ball and knocking over the metal pins. I then noticed Tom come up beside me and paid for 3 balls. "How about we make a wager?" He said looking towards me. "What's your wager?" I asked. I noticed Robert had left to talk with a friend leaving me with Tom. "Let's see if you can manage to knock down the pins with one ball. I will give you a hundred dollars cash." "What if you could?" "If I can you have to agree to a lunch with me. Just as friends." I looked at him and smiled. "Okay, your on." I looked at the pins aiming where i was going to throw it and threw the ball. It knocked four out of 6 pins. I looked over at Tom to see him grinning at me and threw his ball. He knocks down all of the pins. I gave Tom a look of shock as he gave me smirk. "I'll see you tomorrow." He walked away and gave me a wink. Robert came back with a funny look on his face. "What was that all about?" "I lost a wager to Tom." "Oh yea, what did he want if you lost." "He wanted to have lunch tomorrow but, just as friends." I could sense jealousy across Robert's face. "Don't worry, he's just trying to make friends. He knows I'm with you that's why he said as friends." "Yea but, I don't like the way he looks at you. There something that i just don't like about him." "It's okay, you just have to get to know him. If anything happens, I promise to tell you." He leaned over and kissed my forhead. "Alright, I trust you. Besides, he could never look as good as me anyway." I let out a laugh and kissed his cheek and continued walking around.

Okay so Tom seems to have a thing for Dani. Do you think Tom is a good guy? Let me know what you think? Next chapter coming up soon. Vote and comment please!!!

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