Chapter 3

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I slowly opened my eyes. I walked over to the otherside of the bed to see Andy laying there eyes opened and motionless. My heart skipped a beat when seen the pool of blood around his head as blood continued to come out of his head. I stood there frozen tears falling down my eyes. "Andy?" I called kneeling down to his side. No answer. I put my head on his chest to see if he was breathing or hear a heart beat. Nothing. His body was stiff. I got up and ran to the phone and dialed 911. "911, what's your emergency?" asked the operator. "Hello i need an ambulence please my husband just killed himself!" I couldn't breathe i was so afraid. "Okay ma'am an ambulence is on the way please remain calm they will be there shortly." I hung up the phone i began to cry. Asking myself why did he kill himself. I was sure he was going to kill me. I heard the sirens echoing as the flashing lights began making its presence through out the room.

I woke up with beads of sweat rolling down my face. It was just a dream i told myself. I turned to look out the window the sun barely shining. I got up to see the time on my phone...6:21 A.M. I walked over to the bathroom to wash my face and put some clean clothes on to try and get the job. A hard knock on the door startled me when i was putting my lipstick on. I ran down the hall into the living room and opened the door. It was George. "Good morning, sleep well?" he asked smiling. "Yes i did thank you." "Is everything working good in there." "Yes all great." "Okay then, I just came by to tell you to come on over for breakfast. Julie looking up storm in there." I was hungry I smiled and grabbed my purse. I walked it to the house and the smell of bacon filled the air. I walked into the kitchen to see the table filled with pancakes,bacon,eggs,grits, and cooked ham. Julie turned around and smiled handing me a glass of orange juice. I took a sip of the juice and sat down at the table. "Good morning, sleep good." she asked taking a seat across from me. "Yes, Ma'am." I answered. George walks in and sits down at the table. "Its your turn to say grace." said George looking at Julie. She grinned and shooked her head. We held hands and bowed our head. "Dear heaven father we want to thank you once again for bringing us together alive and well as we are about to enjoy this meal that has been provided in from of us. Please watch over us and give us strength to go through today as we step out and begin our daily work" she paused a moment gentley tighten her grip on my hand. "And Lord please watch our new friend Dani as she begins a new chapter in her new life. May you guide and protect her as she fights through the past and finally learn to love again in the near future. In Jesus name we pray Amen." I sat there smiling and began filling my plate with food.

Once we finished our meal George had left off to work Julie and I left in her old cadillac into town. She pulled over to the what my guess was the store a may work at. "Mornin Julie how are you?" yelled a woman who was walking towards us. Julie turned around cracking a fake smile. She tilted her head towards me a mumbled. "Oh shit here comes the Miss Nosy Sue." she then spoke to Sue as she finally reached us. "Well Miss Sue Good moring." Miss Sue turned her attention to me lifting one eyebrow and checking me out. "I couldn't help but notice this beautiful young lady here...I don't believe i have ever seen her before." "Knowing you Sue nothing gets past you." Sue smiled then rolled her eyes. "This is Dani she's come to us from California." "My so far away...What did you do to wind up here in Crougers of all places?" Before i could answer Julie interrupted. "We have other things to attend to right now. So if you will excuse us Miss Sue." Julie took my hand and pulled me down the road. "I swear one day I'm going to smack her a good one...nosy bitch." I let out a small laugh Miss Sue didn't leave a very good impression on me. "Here we are." We walked inside this small store.

On each shelf and on the walls were small nick nacks. It smelled of wood and moth balls. The nick nacks were so beautiful hand crafted beautifully. "Robert...Robert where are you?!" yelled Julie going through the aisle and in to his office. Suddenly the entrance door flew open and someone was struggling to get to boxes inside with out dropping them.

I ran over and grabbed the top box which was super heavy as I slowly layed it down I went to grab the other box which covered his face. The man was practically stumbling in his step. I put the box down as so did the guy. "Whew thanks I appreciate that." He stopped to look at me. He had dark brown hair all ruffled up his eyes were big and brown. He had a goatee nice jaw line and i could see his big strong arm and chest as he wore a male tank shirt and jeans. I had to stop myself because I was nearly googlie eyed at how incredibly attractive he was. He slowly walked over and cracking a smirk which almost made me weak in the knees. "There you are Robert i was looking for you." interrupted Julie walking in. I looked at her smiling and smirked. I think she knew what i was thinking when i glanced at Robert smiling. "I see you've met your new employee there Rob." Robert broke his attention to me and looked at Julie. "Yes I believe so. She's pretty strong. As you can see these boxes nearly killed me." We let out a laugh. "What your name?" he asked giving me a smile. Seriously he needed to stop smiling because he made me blush and it was so beautiful exposing his goregeous white teeth. "My name is Dani its a pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand to his and shook it. "Nice to meet you to as you already know my name is Robert. You come to apply for the job?" "Yes." "Great I could use a hand. You can start today." I nodded my head in agreement. "Ok Dani since you are goin to be here working with Rob I'm heading out to the gas station with George see you when later." Julie gave me hug goodbye and turned to Robert. "Take good care of girl you hear me." he smiled and said, "Yes Ma'am." She walked out the door leaving me and Robert alone in the store.

Robert walked over passed me leaving a scent of his cologne hitting my nose. God he smelled good its like i was in a trance. "You know how to work the register?" asked Robert. I immediately broke out of my trance and turned to face him. I walked over to the cash register to be honest I've never worked anywhere in my life so this was going to quite an experience. I shook my head no. He let out a smile laugh which sound real sexy on him. "Well this blue button opens the register where the money is try not to get hands with money." I let out a glare at him and he let out another laugh. "I'm just kidding you enter the prices here and it rings is it up. The bags are over here and the newspapers to wrap the nick nacks. Sounds easy right?" "Yes easy." "Alright well get to work...if you need me I'll be over here stocking these shelves." He gave me a wink and carried a box over to one of the shelves. I let out a smile to myself. I was so happy to have gotten the job. I could help but glance at Robert a few times. He was so handsome everytime he would lift up a box his arm tighten up exposing his amazing muscle tone. Damn it stop it Dani...I promised myself to never again fall for another man. Its so hard but i needed to stop. Besides as hot as he may be he seems as though he's already taken.

My heart of course ached for love again. Yet i could bring myself to ever be with any man. Andy pretty much ruined my life i was afraid if i got serious again that my old life would come back. I really liked Robert he seemed nice but I can never focus my attention too much on him. I feel so lost and confused.

Well Dani finally meets Robert What else do you think might happen? Will she fall for him? Or the vice versa? Next chapter coming soon Vote and Comment please!!

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