Chapter 15

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Robert headed out to the shop earlier and dropped me off at my house. I took a shower and got dressed for work. I went over to Julie to talk with her for a little bit until Robert came to pick me up. I haven't talked to Julie in awhile since Robert and I started hanging out more. "Well, hello stranger come on in." I walked in and sat on the couch. "I'm sorry a lot has changed..." "No need to apologize, as long as you're happy I'm happy." She looks at me wiggling her eyebrows at me and said, "So, you and Robert have been dating for quite awhile. Anything interesting that I should know about. You know dirty details." I began to laugh and shook my head. Of course I ended up telling her all she could was freak out like a school girl. "Has he told you that he loved you." asked Julie. "Yes." I said giving her a smile. "Do you?" "Yes, I finally told him that I love him." "Dani, I'm so glad you found someone who really values you. Robert is a wonderful man and I wish you nothing but the best."

It had been nearly 30 minutes that Robert was suppose to be here. I asked Julie to give me a ride to the shop. We made it to the shop and I got out. I walked inside and my heart sank. I saw Robert and Lisa kissing. Robert pushed Lisa away and looked at me. "Oh my God!" i said as tears fell down my face. "Dani, please it's not what you think." He said slowly walking up to me. "Really, it's what it looks like. You were kissing her." "Please, baby listen to me she kissed me first. Dani, I love you." I slapped him hard across the face. "I should have never ever laid eyes on you. It's over Robert! I hate you!" I went to walk out the door but, Robert pulled my. "Don't touch me!" "Dani, please let me explain." "Let go of me!" I yanked my arm away and ran down the stairs. "Dani!" I notice Tom pulled up in his car. I opened the door and got in. "Drive!" He drove off fast and I could see Robert in the rearview mirror with his hands on his head.

I couldn't stop crying I felt so betrayed. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Tom stopped at his house and help me out. He took me into the house and sat me on the couch.

"What happend love?" he asked. He had his arms around me trying to console me. "I caught Robert kissing Lisa." i said. "Oh Dani, I'm so sorry." Tom lifted my chin and cupped my face in his hands. "You deserve so much better." He leaned in a pressed his lips against mine. I pushed him away and a got up. "What are you doing?" i said. "Dani, please I know you are feeling betrayed by Robert. I could never hurt." "Tom, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I could never be with you." Tom pulls me close to him but, I tried to pull him away. "Do you have any idea how sick and tired I am of trying to win you over? I'm done waiting." I let out scream as he kissed me on my neck. "Stop it! Let me go! Somebody help me!" "No one can hear you. This all ends now." He pulled me down a to his basement and tied me up to a chair. He had and evil smile on his face as he placed the tape on my mouth. "Sorry, it has to be like this. It will all be clear tomorrow." He walked up the stairs and closed the door. I sat there with my head down praying that Robert would find me. He was right something was off about Tom. I just didn't want to believe it. What laid ahead for tomorrow I was afraid.

Poor Dani. Do you think Robert will look for her? Even after what happened. Next Chapter possibly tonight. Vote and Comment please

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