Chapter 17

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I sat in the dark I had passed from all this wait. I heard a door open and from the stairs I saw ladies heels coming down the steps. She flips the switch on and stands in front of me. I look up to see Andy's mom looking at me. "Looks like you're in some trouble, Dani. Need some help?" She said then let out a menacing laugh. She reached into her purse and pulls out a 9mm pistol. I began to scream behind the tape. "Looks like someone has something to say." She rips the tape off my mouth which stung. I looked at her with rage in my eyes. "You fucking bitch! You set this up!" I screamed. "You should have came with me and turned yourself in. No, Dani has to do it her way. You think you have changed, no you haven't. You're still that whimpy, no good bitch who married my son!" "How many times do I have to tell you? I didn't kill him!" "Yes, you did! Think about it, he killed himself because of you! You were such a lazy pathetic wife he grew tired of you and blew his brains out!" "Fuck you!" She slapped me across the face and pointed the gun at me. She shot me on the leg. I let a scream as I felt a sharp pain running up my leg.

"Madam, we seem to have some company." said Tom. I turned to see Tom with his arms raised and walking down the stairs. Julie had a gun pointed at Tom's back. I see Robert right behind her and screamed, "Robert!" "I'm here baby. Don't worry we're gonna get you out of here." he said. "That's what you think!" She points the gun at Robert. "NO!" I quickly got up still tied to the chair and pushed Mrs. Wilson as she shot the gun. The gun fell out of her hand. She went to grab it and I kicked the gun farther away.

Robert ran over to untie and helped me up. I saw Tom elbow Julie in her nose and tackled Robert. They began wrestling eachother. I managed to get up and hopped over to Julie. Mrs. Wilson tripped me and I fell to the ground. She got on me and began wailing on me. I pushed her off me and got on top of her. I took her head in my hands and began smashing her head on the floor repeatly. She passed out and I let her go. I looked over to see Robert and Tom fighting over a gun. I scooted over to Julie who was bleeding from her nose. "Julie, you okay?" I asked. "Take the gun. I'm fine." she said and handed me the gun.

I turned around and pointed the gun. Tom pulls the gun out of Robert's hand and points it at him. "Put the gun down, Tom! It's over!" I said holding my grip on the trigger. "It's to late Dani." He shoots the gun and Robert falls to the ground. I shot my gun and it hits Tom in the head. He falls to the ground and laid there still. I dropped the gun and slowly walked over kicking the other gun away from Tom. I ran to Robert side and turned him over. He was bleeding from his chest. I heard Julie calling 911. "Dani?" said Robert. "Shh, don't talk help is on its way." I couldn't hold back my tears. I applied pressure to his womb. "I just want you to know that I will always love you." His eyes closed and laid motionless. "No! Robert please wake up!"

Do you think Robert died? Next Chapter coming up. Vote and comment please I wanna dedicate this chapter to Mrs_Stark who comment on all my chapters Thank you!

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