Chapter 2

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The drive from California was tiring and I need to just find a place to live. Start a new life but, one thing i was sure of was that I was not going back home. I had made it past the texas border I had been driving for nearly hours trying to just get far away from my old life.

Suddenly my car begins to shake and powers off. I could see smoke coming from underneath the hood. Good thing this damn car broke down near a small gas station. I walked out of my car and walked over to open the hood. Once opened the smoke hit me and i began faning the smoke away from my face. "Need some help, ma'am?" I literally jumped from where i stood and saw a short stubby man all greasy and dirty. His hair was all frizzy and gray as he stood there scratching his prickly grey beard. "Looks like you need some help I reckon." he said with a very strong country accent. "Um, yes i guess i do." He leaned down under the hood and started running his hand around everything trying to find issue of why the car broke down. Once he was finished he looked at me and said, "Well, seem to me your motor is shot plus you are over heated. Take a look at this thang here see how that motor is nearly melting?" I nodded my head in agreement. "Looks like you ran this thing to far and its gonna need a new motor. Let me get my truck and tow this to my garage and see if I can get it fix it." "How much is this going to cost?" He looked at me I had no idea what he was thinking but i waited for his response. "You know what? No charge looks like you been through enough hell as far as I'm concerned." "Oh thank you so much!" "Get you stuff and follow me."

We walked down the dirt road where that gas station was. It had a small garage on the left had side. It had only two Gas tanks to fuel up with that looked very old not compared to the tanks in California. We walked inside and there stood a big lady at the cash register. Her frizzy brown with gray hairs was pulled back in a sloppy high bun.

She looked at me with a smile on her face and waved. "Well hello there can I help you?" she asked politely as the mecanic and i walked up to her. "Julie honey could you take care of this young lady for me. Get her anything she needs." I stood there noticing how nice this guys was to me i felt bad i could pay him to fix my car. "Alrighty then George have a seat dear and I'll bring you a nice glass of sweet tea." I walked over to the small couch near the big window and looked out to see my car. I saw George's Tow truck driving down the dirty road toward my car. "Here you are dear." said Julie as she handed me the nice cold glass of ice tea. I took a small sip which clentched my thirst. "So, where are you from?" she asked taking a seat next to me. "I'm from California." "Ooh, you a long way from home. Where are you headed?" I put my head down to be honest I had no idea. "I don't know to be honest." "What's your name?" "My name is Dani." "Well Dani you seem like you been through a tough time. I don't expect you to tell me what has happend to you. But, judging by the bruise on that arm of yours and on your chin I can only imagine where that came from." I looked at her shockingly even though I had no idea what she was she thinking. "I doubt you'll tell me anyway so I'll just keep it to myself." said Julie skooting back more on the couch. "What do you think these came from?" I ask because curiosity peaked in my head. "Oh honey its not important." "No really I wanna know I mean you been super nice to me I get the feeling I can trust you. Assuming that I may have to stay here for awhile til' my car gets fixed." Julie raised her eyebrow at me and let out a small smirk. I waited for her response assuming what she thought of me could be right. She let out a sigh. Her blue eyes broke into a saddness look almost motherly as she placed her hand on my shoulder. "A man." My body tensed up at the answer but i let it fall as a small tear came down my cheek. "You see old Julie can see right through that skin of yours." She lift my chin as I looked at her with watery eyes. "Its going to be fine if you stay here you'll be safe. Old George and I will take care of you. We have an old trailer near our needs some work but its furnished and you can stay there until you get back on your feet." I felt as if a weight was lifted off me when Julie said all that. Maybe this town could be a new start. "I would give you a job here but, couldn't pay you much. Though there is a store in town that is looking for help. I can take you there tomorrow morning." I nodded my head. I see George walking in through the door. He looked at us sitting on the couch and a smile grew on his face. "Something tells me our lil' visitor is staying in town for while." Julie let out a laugh. I guess he noticed that she and I struck up a friendship.

The trailer Julie showed me didnt look so great but it was a fix'er upper. Inside was a small couch and a recliner with sheets covering them. I saw a wooden tables a tv. Down the narrow hallway on the right was a large bathroom with a garden tub which i liked most. and down the hall was the bedroom. It had a large queen size bed there was a walk in closet. For a one bedroom trailer I like it. "So, what you think?" ask Julie as she closed the door to the trailer. "Its perfect." I said with a smile. "Alrighty then George is gonna put your stuff in the trailer grab you some clothes so you can take shower. I'm going to start some dinner." I nodded my head and grabbed some clothes before George took them things to the trailer. "Oh and George hook up the lights and water okay!" "Sure thing." He yelled back.

After dinner, and taking time to get to know George and Julie more about their lives. They told me about the town which was called Crougers. The town is so small everyone knew everyone. Everything was just a hop and a skip away from eachother. Which I liked because i could walk around town and explore with having to get in and out of my car constantly. As I layed in the comfortable bed covered up I was thinking about tomorrow and the possible job I might have. Maybe I should dress presentable so i can make a good impression. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Waiting for tomorrow to come and what layed ahead.

****So it seem Dani found herself a new home. I'm sure you all are waiting for Dani to meet Robert already. Its coming :) comment and vote please. Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading. I will have another chapter up in a few.****

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