Chapter 14

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I sat in the truck nervous as hell playing with my fingers. It was Wendsday and Robert had planned to for me to go meet his parents. I think Robert could sense my anxiety and placed his hand on my leg. "Don't be nervous everything is going to be fine." I gave him a half smile and place my hand on his interlacing my fingers with his.

I looked out the window to see an old two story house in the distance. Robert parked the car and got out. He came by and opened my door. I got out and looked him. He cupped his hands around my face. "It will be fine." He took my hand and led me up the stares on to the porch. He knocked on the door and my heart skipped a beat. I was freaking out of the inside. The door swung open and an little old lady stood at the door. "My baby, so glad you came." She wrapped her arms around Robert. "Good to see you, mama." She pulled away and looked at me. She gave me the biggest smile and took my hand. "So, this is the young girl you have been raving about? She is absolutely beautiful." she said patting my hand. I smiled at her. "Well, get over and give me a hug." she insisted as she pulled me into an embrace. She pulled away and led me inside. "Have a seat dear, by the way I'm Elsie." "It's a pleasure to meet you." Robert sat next me on the couch and held my hand tight. "I'm going to get your daddy and the tea wait here." Robert looked me and smiled. "She really nice." I said. "I told you." he said sacastically. I placed a kiss on his cheek. "Aww, isn't that just the sweetiest thing." I looked to see Elsie holding the tray of tea smiling. She set the tray down and sad down. "Where is my boy at?" yelled a man from down the hall. It was Robert's dad walking in. "Get your ass over here and give your old man a hug." Robert got up laughing and gave his dad a big embrace. Robert turned to me holding out his hand. I took it as he stood me next to him. "Dad, this is Dani." His dad took my hand a place a kiss on it. "Hello, my dear my name is Robert but, you can call me Rob for short." I smiled at him. He looked back at Robert giving him a smirk. "Son, she is absolutely goregeous. Please lets have a seat and get to know eachother." We sat back down and began talking.

His parents were nothing like my in-laws when I met them. Rob and Elsie were so sweet and caring. I'm glad i met them I fell in love them instantly. Robert and his dad left the room to go talk outside leaving me with Elsie. She got up and sat next to me. Her facial expression was soothing and motherly like as she took my hand into hers. "I want to thank you for making my son so happy. Ever since his wife passed God rest her soul, I missed that beautiful smile he always had when I would see him. I've heard about you past and I'm so glad you got away. You are a strong woman. I just want you to promise me something." She paused a moment and then continued, "Promise me you will love my son uncontionally and take good care of him." I nodded my head yes and gave her a smile. "Thank you, I wish nothing but happiness with my boy. He means the world to me. I know in my heart you will make him a happy." Robert and his dad walked back in laughing. It was so cute seeing them come in. Rob had his arm around Robert holding him close to him. "Well dad we have to get going." said Robert. "Alright, then son." Rob walked over to me taking my hand once again giving me another kiss on the hand. "It was a pleasure meeting you Dani. Take care of my son now and I really look foward to seeing you again." "Me too."

Robert and I walked out the door and got into the truck. Rob and Elsie began waving as we drove off down the road. "Well, that was fun." asked Robert. "It was." I said smiling at him. "I told you my parents will love you." "You were right. They were really sweet." Robert let out a sigh and patted the middle of the seat. "Come here." he asked. I scooted next to him as he place his arm around my shoulder. "I love you so much." I gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I love you more." He raised his eyebrow and grinned. "You do?" he asked. "Yes" He pulled the truck over to the side of the road and set it on park. He took his seat belt off and lays me down on the seat. "How much do you love me?" he asked. I held my arms out wide and answered, "This much." He gave me big smile as his face turned way. He leaned down and presses his lips against mine. He was such a passionate kisser and I grew weak as we kissed. I ran my fingers through hair. He trailed his kisses down my neck. I let out a moan. Suddenly, the trucks horn honked really loud. I started to laugh really hard. Robert's butt was pushing up against the horn by accident. He began laughing and sat up. "Maybe we shouldn't do this here." He said driving the truck back on the road.

I got up and sat next to him. I began kissing his neck taking my tongue and running it up to his ear. I noticed him breathing heavily. I noticed he was kind of pushing on the gas a bit. "Robert slow down." i said. "I'm sorry but, your making me horny." I let out laugh and peaked his lips. "I'm sorry, I'll stop." "Please don't I pressed the gas so we could get to my house faster." I leaned back and continued kissing and licking his neck. I began to spice it up a bit. I took my hand and placed it on his groin. He flinched up a bit and breathing heavier. I began rubbing up and down. I noticed he began speeding again. I kept rubbing and his pants began to grow.

I had seen we had made it to his house he picked me up out the truck and carried me inside. We made it inside and made it to Robert's room. He put me down and began kissing my neck. He pulled my shirt off kissing every part of my body. I unbutton his shirt and tossed it on the floor. Robert picked me up and laid me on the bed. We began panting and moaning loudly. His body moved over me as i kissed his neck. We frantically made love on his bed rolling around taking turns. Making love to Robert was so much better than Andy. He knew how to touch me in the right places and he would constantly tell me he loved me and how beautiful I was. My love for Robert grew stronger more than I have ever could've imagine. I loved being with him and every second mattered.

So Robert was right his parents loved Dani. It seems Dani is opening up a little more with Robert especially sexual wise. Vote and comment please.

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