Chapter 21 The Big Wedding

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For some reason Robert was so in a rush to get married he had called lots of people to set it up. I was in the kitchen cooking Robert some breakfast when I felt something bugging me. I felt nauseous and felt like throwing up which eventually I did. "Honey, are you okay?" I shook my head and past out in his arm.

I woke up in a hospital bed and looked over to see Robert holding my hand. "Hey, sleepy head, are you okay?" I looked at him and nodded my head yes. "What happen?" "You fainted on me so I brought you here to see what's wrong. They're running some test right now." The doctor comes in smiling at us. "Well, the test came back clean no sign of any illnesses. But, you're 2 weeks pregnant. Congradulations." My eyes grew wide and I look to see Robert's expression. He was all smiles and teared up. "Oh my God, thank you doctor." said Robert. The doctor smiled and walked out the door. "You're actually happy?" I asked Robert. "Yes, Dani I love you and I'm going be with you every step of the way." I smiled at him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Robert, one thing I want to be married before I get any bigger." He let out a laugh and held my hand. "I don't care if you walk down the aisle pregnant. The most important thing that matters is me marrying the woman I love." He leaned in to kiss me on my lips. I still can't believe I was pregnant. Yet, I was happy that our family was about to start.

Julie, Lou Ann, and Josie took care of all the wedding arrangements. I stood there in my dress as I stared in the mirror. I was getting cold feet and grew nervous. "Oh my word, Dani you look so beautiful." said Lou Ann walking in with Josie and Julie. "And that motherly glow." said Josie smiling handing me bauquet of flowers. "Thank you. Could guys give me a minute alone with Julie?" "Sure thing." said Josie. They walked out leaving me a Julie alone. "Julie, can you do me one big favor?" I asked. "Sure what is it?" she replied smiling at me. "Can you and George give me away at the alter? I consider you guys my family." Julie gave me and embrace. "We would be honored." I smiled at her and gave her huge hug.

They played the song "Canon" as George and Julie slowly walked me down the aisle. I looked up to see Robert smiling at me. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo. Tears slowly came down my face. The music stopped playing when I made it to the alter. "Who hear gives this woman away?" asked the priest. "We do." said Julie. Robert took my hands and smiled at me. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here to celebrate the joining of Dani and Robert in holy marriage. The couple have decided to say their own vows." The priest stepped back. Robert looks at me and says, "Dani, you are the light in my life. You led me out of the darkness of my despair. You lite up my world everytime I see you. I promise to love, care, and cherish you through this life. I promise to protect you through whatever obsticle that comes our way. I love you with every bit of my heart and my soul." He takes the wedding band and places it on my finger. "With this ring my vow to you is now set in stone." I looked up at Robert staring into his eyes. "Robert, You have been there for me since the moment I first met you. You've held me through times i've cried. You saved me when even if it meant you had to die. But, through you and the grace of God you have given me the strength to let go of my insecurities and gave me a chance to fall in love again. Even though I promised myself I never could." I took the ring and placed it on his finger. "With this ring I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life." "And with saying all that has been said, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Robert wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I could hear everyone cheering. Robert pulled away and held me hand. I smiled at everyone as I could Julie in tears. We both walked down the aisle as the threw white confettii over us.

At the reception everyone was having a good time eating and dancing. Rob and Elsie walked up to us. "I'm so happy for you both. Also, for our first grandchild. Dani, I'm proud to call you my daughter." said Rob giving me a tight embrace. "Yes, our new daughter." said Elsie giving me hug as well. "Thank you." They walked away back to their table. I was so happy to have them as in-laws.

The band began to play a slow song. Robert took me over to the dancefloor. He puts his hands on wait as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We began to dance to the song from side to side. "You make me the most happiest man on earth. I love you." said Robert. "I love you too." He leaned in a kisses me. As we kissed I just imagined the room was cleared and it was just us holding eachother close.

Okay you guys I guess this isn't the last chapter. I decided to add one more chapter which will be the last. Vote and comment please

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