Chapter 22

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For the eight and a half months Robert has been super patient and helpful with me through the pregnancy. Even though, my moods swings got crazy he never got angry with me. I had such weird cravings it even grossed Robert out. My cravings would consist of pickles and ice cream, peanut butter and cheese sticks, but my worst craving was pickled eggs and yougurt. It was weird but I couldn't help it.

Julie and the girls took care of my big baby shower. I hide the result of what sex the baby was in the cake. Only Julie knew and she made the cake for me. Almost everyone in town came and showered me with thousand of baby gifts. "So, how does it feel to be pregnant? I'm suprised Robert is sticking around." said Miss Sue. I shook my head at her. "He has been super patient with me and I love him for it." "Good luck to you honey. Once that baby comes out no more fun time." "Sue, quit being so messy. These two are going be great parents." snapped Julie. "I'm just stating the facts." "No, you're just being messy." Miss Sue stood up and walked away pissed. "I wish I slap her new one." I let out a laugh at Julie.

"Okay everyone, time to cut the cake and reveal the gender of the baby!" announced Josie. Everyone clapped and cheered. Robert helped me out of my chair and took me over to the cake. "I can't wait to see what our baby is going to be." whispered Robert into my ear. I smiled and took the cake cutter into my hand. Robert placed his hand on mine as we both cut into the cake together. We pulled out the piece of cake showing the inside color of the cake. "It's a boy!" shouted Josie and everyone cheered. Robert wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my lips.

"Ow!" I leaned over. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Julie runs over and looks at the ground. "Robert, get your truck now!" Robert ran down over to the shop and drove the truck over to us. He opened the passanger door and sits me in the truck. I scoot over so Julie could get in. Robert sped off down the road heading to the hospital. "Okay sweety, breathe in and out for me." said Julie holding my hand. I did what she asked and held her hand tight. "Hold on alright baby we are almost there." said Robert rubbing my back. The pain was getting sharper as I cried out in pain.

We made it to the hospital and Robert carried me down the halls. One of the nurses ran up with a wheelchair. Robert held my hand as they led me down the hall. "How far apart are you contractions sweety?" asked the nurse. "Every 3 minutes." answered Julie for me. "Alright." They led me into the delivery and placed me on the bed. "Hello, I'm Doctor Yasmine I will be delivery your baby." she said introducing herself. She opened my legs and began checking me. "Oh, the baby's crowning. Okay sweety I'm gonna need you to sit up and on my go you start pushing okay." The nurses help me sit up and Robert held my hand. He put his forhead beside my head and said, "I'm here okay baby." "Alrighty sweety on three 1...2...3 PUSH!" I began to push and screaming. "Come baby you can do it." I laid back sweating like crazy. "Okay almost done honey one more push okay, 1...2...3 PUSH!" I began pushing again with all I could. I laid back and began to breath heavily. It was over and I could hear my baby crying. "Congradulations, he's a beautiful baby boy." Robert took the scissors and cut the cord. I began to cry as they handed me our son. Robert kissed my cheek and my lips. "You did baby." he said. I looked at my little angel as he stopped crying. I kissed his forehead and I could see him take his tiny hand holding my finger. "Hello beautiful angel. I'm you mommy and this goof ball over here is you daddy." Robert let out chuckle. "What do we name him?" I asked Robert. "How about Elise John Downey?" I smiled at him gave him a small kiss on the lips. "It's perfect."

I fell asleep for a little while because after I gave birth I was tired. I woke up to see Robert holding Elias. My heart glowed as I could see how loving and gentle he was. Robert turns to look at me and smiled. "He's beautiful Honey." I sat up in the bed as Robert placed Elias in my arms. I looked at him to see he had a head full of dark brown hair. He had Robert's eyes but, my color eyes which were blue. I placed a soft kiss on his forehead. Robert sat next to me on the bed and wrapped his arm around me. "I'm so proud of Dani, our son is perfect." he said. "He is perfect. I love him so much." I said. "Our family is complete." Robert placed a long passionate kiss on my lips.

Few days past and Elias and I were released from the hospital. We went home to see a welcome home party set up. Only our closest friends were there. Rob and Elsie were the first to hold the grandson. "He looks just like you son. Oh, but he has his mama's sparkling blue eyes." said Rob. I gave them a smile. Julie and George were next they became the Godparents of Elias. Julie was so emotion as she held Elias. "Oh he's so precious I love him already." said Julie giving him a kiss on his cheek. Lou Ann and Josie held him and were just giggling. "He is such a handsome lil' boy." said Lou Ann smiling at me. "He's much better looking than his daddy." Everyone began to laugh and so did Robert. "Hey now remember where he get's those good looks from." I let out a laugh as Josie handed me Elias. "Well everybody we best be heading out. You guys take care now." said Rob heading out the door with Elsie at his side. Josie, Lou Ann, Julie and George said their goodbyes and left.

I breast feed Elias and laid him down for bed. I walked out of the room to go get ready for bed. I walked back to Elias' room to see Robert rocking the crib and singing a lullaby. His voice was so soothing. He sat up to walked towards me. "You have a beautiful singing voice." i said smiling at him. "Thank you." He wrapped his arms around me holding me close. "Our family is complete and we have a long wonderful road a head of us. But, I promise to be there every step of the way. I love you." A tear fell down my eye and Robert quickly wiped it away with his thumb. "I love you too." Robert presses his lips against mine. I fell weak into his kiss. As we held eachother close I knew I finally found what I had been searching for. I found the love of my life, new friends, got married, and had a beautiful son. The most important thing I gained was a new life and a new family. A family that loves me no matter what. I guess you could say I finally felt like I was home.

The End


I just want to thank you all for Reading this story. I had so much fun writing it and I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I'm planning on new story. Yes its a fanfic but somewhat interesting. I want to dedicate this story to mrs_tonystark and Robsicle_army for being my loyal fans and readers. Thank you so much. Happy 4th of July everyone be safe and have fun.

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