Chapter 19

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A week had passed and Robert still hasn't awaken from his coma. I never left Robert's side. I practically lived at the hospital. Rob and Elsie came to see Robert. Not once did they blame me for what happen to him. In my heart I felt it was. Julie told me that everyone in town is praying for Robert and that they held a special service at the church for him. I made me feel good that I wasn't alone and that everyone was praying. The doctor's kept bringing up removing Robert from life support. I refused it as so did his parents. I believed Robert would come out of this.

"I can't believe those assholes could even mention pulling the plug. My son is strong. I know he can come out of this." bellowed Rob as he was pacing back and forth in the room. I can tell he was frustrated and scared. "Dani, how are you holding up?" asked Elsie. I let out a sigh. "Each day just keeps getting harder and harder. I'm trying so hard not to lose faith." I began to cry as Elsie pulled me into an embrace. "Never lose faith honey. I know my son he will get out of this." She was so comforting that I slowly calmed myself down. "Dani, I don't blame you for what happen. My son did what he had to. That was to save you. He loves you so much that he risked his own life to make sure you were safe. If you were him at this very moment I guarentee he would be here, doing everything he could to keep you alive. Be strong for me please." Elsie was right I need to be strong. It gave me peace knowing that she was on my side.

Rob and Elsie left leaving me alone with Robert. I laid next to him in the bed and held him close to me. Suddenly I heard a mumble like someone was trying to say something. I sat up to see Robert opening his eyes slowly. "Robert, baby you're awake! Doctor! Doctor!" I yelled. The doctor and nurses ran in. I stood to the side as they removed the breathing tube. The doctor check to see if he could breath on his own. The doctor nodded his head at the nurses. They turned off the life support which put me on the edge. Another few minutes pasted and no sign of him crashing. I let out a sigh of relief. The doctor walked over to me with a smile. "It seem Robert will make a full recovery. We will be monitoring him every minute of the night." he said. "Thank you so much." The doctor and nurses left the room. I ran to Robert side and took his hand into mine. "Dani, Dani." Robert keep repeating my name and looking around. "I'm here baby." I kissed his hand. He looks down at me tears filled his eyes. "Dani?" I placed my head on his chest. Robert wrapped his arms around me. "I love you, Dani." I set up and placed a kiss on Robert's lips. "I love you more." "I'm so glad your safe." "My prayers were answered. Your awake and alive. I could never let you go." "Oh Dani." He hugged me tightly. I kissed his lips. He kissed me back passionatly. I was so happy he came out of a coma. I know in my heart he will make a full recovery.

Robert woke up. Yay! Next chapter may come out tonight or tomorrow. Vote and Comment

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