Chapter 10

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It was Friday and I was busy dealing with customers. For some reason today decided to be busy which I liked because Robert was getting some business. I noticed Tom walking in and looking at everything on the shelves. Once he was finished he brought back at least twenty nick naks. "Wow, I've never bought you as the decorative type." I said ringing up his nick naks. "One can be suprised. So, we're still on for lunch?" he said giving me a smile. I blushed at him which made him chuckle. "I just love when a woman blushes." I let out a laugh and smiled. "Yeah, which ever day is good for you." I said handing him his bag. He paid me and i gave him his change. But, when he took it he took a hold of my hand. I looked up at him as his blue eyes gazed into mine. "How about now?" he asked in a dark seductive voice. I let out of gulp to myself Tom was making me real nervous. "I-Is it lunch already?" I asked with a studder. He gave me a smirk and showed me his watch. It was 12pm. I pulled my hand from his and rubbed my neck. "Um, okay let me get my purse." I stubbled a little bit when I walked out from behind the counter and down the aisle. I walked into Robert office and grab my purse. "Hey, I'm going to lunch with Tom be back in an hour okay." He looked at me I could sense his jealousy. "Alright, You be safe now." I walked over to where he was sitting and sat on his lap. I turned his face towards me. I noticed he was upset and tried to avoid eye contact with me. "Robert, don't be jealous. I'm all yours do you hear me?" He nodded his head yes and I gave him a smile. "I trust you. For some reason I just trust him. You understand right?" he said. "I understand." He smiled at me a rubbed my cheek. "I love you." I leaned in and gave him a kiss on his lips. He pulled me in to his kiss moving his tongue around mine. I pulled away and gave him a smirk. "Your such a good kisser." I said. He grinned at me. I got up and left the room. I walked outside to see Tom leaning against his red mustang convertible. He smiled at me and opened the door. "Your chariot awaits you my lady." I giggle and stepped into the car. He closed the door behind me. Tom walked around the car and gets in. He starts it up and begins driving.

It was quiet during the drive as the radio was playing. Then Tom got so excited and turned up the volume. I got excited too when I heard my favorite songs. Rock of Ages by Def Leppard came on and we both began singing the lyrics t out loud. We banging our head and throwing rock and roll hand sign in the at the air. Once the song was finished we both laughed out loud. "Wow I haven't heard that song in a long time." he said. "Me either, I was this close to forgetting the lyrics." i said laughing. "Oh me too." We pulled up at the dinner where Robert and I went to when we had lunch together for the first time. I stiffing up, afraid the Lisa might be working. "What's wrong, Dani?" asked Tom. I guess he could since my fear. "Nothing. I'm fine i was just thinking of something." I lied. "Alright, then let's go." He got out and ran over to my door and opened it. He held his hand out helping me out the car. We walked in and waited for some one to seat us. Load and behold Lisa was working. She looked at me glaring at me. "Table for two." she asked. "Yes please, and Dani go ahead and seat yourself I have to go to the restroom. Excuse me." said Tom. I didn't like the idea that he was leaving me alone with this woman. I followed Lisa to a booth and sat down. "Well, Well, Well, looks like you having lots of fun. What happen to Robert? Didn't quite fit your standards did he? Such a shame." she said mockingly. "Just for your information Robert and I are in a relationship. Tom and I are just friends." I argued. "No need to lie to me. I know how you floosies from California are." "Look, I'm getting real tired of you now if you don't want me to report you to your boss. I suggest you either leave me alone or give me another waitress!" Lisa looked at me raising one eyebrow. Tom came back and sat in front of me. "What would ya'll like to drink?" asked Lisa putting on a fake smile. "I would like a sweet tea with lemon and you?" he said. "I will have a diet coke." Lisa walked away to get our drinks. "You seem upset Dani what's bothering you?" "It's nothing just dealing with an old enemy." "The waitress?" "Yes how did you know?" "I noticed you arguing with her when came to sit." "Oh, well it's over now. Let's just have a nice lunch." "Alrighty then let's." He smiled at me from behind his menu. Lisa came back with our drinks. "You ready to order?" she asked holding her notepad. "Ah yes I will have the double cheeseburger meal no onions and a nice salad to start. And what will you have?" said Tom. "I will have a ceasar salad and three cheese potato soup." Lisa wrote the orders down and left. "So, tell me a little about yourself." "I really don't have much going on in my life to tell." "How about I ask you random question?" "Okay that's fair." "Married?" "I was but, my husband past." "Oh I'm so sorry. Do you miss him?" "A part of me does." "Why do you say that?" "It's personal." "I respect that. How long have you and Robert been together." "About two weeks." "Ah, do you love him?" "That's also personal." "Wow I'm not getting anywhere with you. Your so secretive I like that." I blushed and took a sip of my drink. "Enough about me, what about you?" "Well as you can see I'm an open book. I'm divorced, no kids, and I work as a buisness consultant. Top secret." He gave me a wink. "Interesting." i said sarcastically. Lisa came by with our food and placed it on the table. "Enjoy." she said walking away. We ate our meal in silence.

We finished our meal and Tom paid. The drive back was really silent. "Dani, I like you. Your really mysterious. I'm really glad we had lunch together." said Tom. I smiled at him. "If you ever need a friend to talk to I'm here." "Okay." I answered. We made it back to the shop. Tom helped me out of car once again. I went to leave but, Tom grabs my arm. "You take care, Dani. Until next time?" "Sure." He walked up close to me and kisses my cheek. "Goodbye, Dani." I smiled and walked into the store.

What the hell is going on? I'm getting this feeling that Tom is being way to foward with me. I was so confused. Robert walks in and asks, "How did it go?" "It was okay, I guess." "He didn't try anything funny did he?" I let out a laugh and gave Robert a peak on the lips. "No, he didn't." He smiled at me and placed his arms around my waist. "I love you, Dani." I smiled at him and gave him another peak on his lips. He gave me a smirk and picked me up. He sat me on the counter. He ran his hand up my back which gave me chills up my spine. He kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He takes his lips and kisses me on my neck. My eyes fell back and I let out a sigh. The swung open and Robert quickly pulled away. It was Tom. "Sorry to interrupt but, you left your purse in my car. I was returning it for you." I jumped off the counter and took my purse from him. "Thank You." I said giving him a smile. "No problem, have a good day." I turned to Robert who looked annoyed. I wrapped my arms around him and said, "Now where were we?" He looked down at me and grinned.

We frantically went into his office. Kissing eachother as if we were mad. Robert closed the door behind him with his foot as he carried me to the couch. I ripped his shirt open and pulled it off of him. He took my shirt off kissing every inch of my body. I ran my hand through his hair biting my lip and moaning. He took my bra of a threw it across the room. "Robert, wait did you lock the door?" I asked. "Shit!" he ran to the door and locked it. He came back kissing me so deeply. He ran his hand up my skirt as i felt my panties come off. Robert looked at me I could see the lust in his eyes as so was mine. I then felt some pressure and Robert enter me. I moaned out loud as i felt him pushing and grunting against me. As our bodies moved in unison our lust for eachother grew louder. It been a long time since I've had sex but, it was nothing i have ever felt before. We were breathing heavily as the room grew hot with passion and pleasure. We fell on to the floor as i took control moving up and down. Robert held my waist as he moaned. Robert then took over again. We were sweating and grunting. I looked at Robert and smiled as i rolled my eyes back. It felt so good. After two hours of love making,we both climax together. We both laid there breathing heavily as our bodies glisten with sweat. Robert pulled me close to him as i laid my head on his chest. "I love you." he managed to get out as he managed to catch his breath. I just laid there holding him close. I wish I could tell him that i loved him too. I just wasn't ready to tell him.

Well that was interesting. Do ya'll think Dani is being fair to Robert? Will she ever tell him that she loves him too? Comment and Vote please.

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