Chapter 18

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My mind was lost as the paramedics took us to the hospital. I was losing blood and my body grew week. No one would tell me anything about Robert. Julie as in the same ambulance truck as me. She only had the broken nose so she could fit. I faded in and out numerous of times because of the loss of blood.

I opened my eyes to see flashes of lights as I was being pushed into the operation room. They riped my pants leg so they could look at my womb. They began trying to pull out the bullet in my leg. The pain was exruciating and I ended up passing out. I passed out for awhile that I woke up in a different room. I could see all the wires in my arms. Chest monitors wear on my and I could hear the beeping coming from the machines. "Dani?" I look to see Julie and George sitting next to me. "How are ya feeling?" asked Julie. "Sore, where's Robert?" I could see their facial expressions they seemed upset. "Dani, in a coma." Tears immediately fell from my eyes. Julie began to caress my head and tried to calm me down. "It's all my fault." I yelled. "No, honey it's not your fault." said Julie. "It is my fault. I should have turned myself in like she wanted!" "Dani, please calm down." I began to breath heavily and I could hear my heart rate going up. I sat up in the bed. I ripped off the heart monitors on my chest. "Help me up, I want to see him." "Dani, no we have to wait for the doctor." "Screw the doctor! Take me to Robert's room!" George helped me out of the bed as julie took the cords in her hands.

They helped me down the hallway and turned into the second room. I look to see Robert laying the motionless with a breathing tube in his mouth. All the wires were connected to him and i noticed he was on life support. George sat me down next to Robert on the bed. I laid my head on his chest and began crying. George and Julie left out of the room. I looked up at Robert taking my hand and placing it on his cheek. "I'm so sorry baby. I never meant for this to happen to you. I should be the one in this bed." I laid my head on his chest. "I love you. Please don't leave me." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I love you." I rested my head back on his chest weeping to myself. What if he never wakes up? If he dies, I will die too. I can't live with out him. As i laid there I prayed to God that he would give Robert the strength to survive. I hope my prayer is answered.

Will Dani's prayer be answered? Next Chapter coming up.

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