Chapter 4

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The clock stroke 12pm and my stomach began to growl. We had about 6 people come in today and they talked with me for awhile. They were locals and became interesting in me when they walked in the door. They welcomed me to the town and said if i ever needed anything to just let them know. "You've become quite the celebrity now haven't you Dani?" asked Robert walking behind me as i stood by the register. He nudged me playfully as he walked back out from behind me. "Excuse you!" I said giving him a smile. He turned around doing the same thing but didn't grab nothing from behind the counter he then nudge me once more. He walked away and I followed him down the aisle. He stopped for a sec and pretend to be looking at something on the shelf. I sauntered over and nudged him as hard as i could. I walked away back to the register suddenly i stumbled i caught myself with my hand on the counter. Robert was slowly walking away casually and started whistling. I couldn't help but just laugh because I think he was flirting with me. He turned his head and smiled. I went back to the register and started marking down the earning for the 1st half of the day. I started to feel the presence of some one behind me. It wasn't a customer i noticed Robert wasn't where he stood. I could hear someone breathing behind me. Then it hit me I could smell Roberts cologne in the air thats who was behind me. "Do you need something Robert?" i asked cracking a smile on my face. "Food." he answered in my ear. I nearly melted when i heard his soft deep voice as I closed me eyes. "It is lunch time." i said sarcastically. He then walked out from behind and jumped up on the counter to sit. His leg were moving back and forth as his eyes continued to be fix on me. "Let's go eat." I looked at him with a sad look on my face. "Sorry, I have no money." He then jumped down and got closer to me and he lean against the counter his arm holding his body up. "That's okay, it will be my treat." "I'm sorry Robert I just can't." "Come on its no big deal." He then gave me puppy dog look. I just couldn't resist no matter how much I tried looking away. Robert was just incredibly adorable. I let out a big sign and whined, "Okay fine let's go." "Yay!" He then gave me a strong embrace and i gave a weak one back. I haven't felt a real good hug in nearly 5 years. It felt wonderful especially from Robert. He then pulled away and took my hand. "Shall we?" I nodded my head and followed him out the door to his car. A blue 1958 Ford pick up. Robert opened the door and motioned me in. I stepped in and sat down i heard the door closed next to me. I saw Robert run to the otherside of the truck and jumps in. He paused for a moment then looks at me with a smile and winks. "Ready?" he asked starting the car. "Yes." "Alrighty then,Lets go!" he said with a silly country accent. I busted out laughing that was too cute. We drove over to a small cafe at least 5 minutes from town. "Hold on." Robert gets out of the truck and reaches in the and opens a trash back pulls out a blue button up flannel shirt and puts it on. He then runs over to my side and opens the door. What a gentleman? I thought to myself as i took his hand he held out to help me out of the truck. Still holding my hand he led me into the cafe. A perky waitress comes running to us at the door. She wraps her arms around his neck giving Robert a tight embrace. "Robert Downey jr haven't see you around here in weeks how are you?" she asks smiling and rubbing his arm. "I have just been busy with the shop in town." he said giving her a half smile. "I missed you." She looks over at me and then back at Robert. "Who is she?" She seemed bothered by me. "Lisa this is Dani. She's my new cashier at the shop." "Oh really nice to know so booth or table?" "Booth please." Lisa walked away and pointed at the booth. Robert took my hand again leading me to the booth i took a seat. "What do you want to drink?" "I'll have a sweet tea and you Dani?" "The same." i answered. He gave me a smile I could hear the feet stomp of Lisa leaving into the back. "I'm getting the feeling she doesn't like me." I said looking down at the table. Robert lifted my chin up his eyes were locked to mine. They were so beautiful and warm as i gazed into them. "How about we order this to go?" he asked softly. My face lite up and i nodded my head yes. Lisa came buy with the drinks and set them on the table. "Ready to order?" she asked holding the note pad and ready to write. "Ladies first." said Robert winking at me. I gave him a smile back and said, "I'm going to have the chicken strip meal with a small salad." "And you Robert?" "Cheeseburger with fries and ya'lls famous chilli please and these orders are to go." She looked up at Robert with a shocked look on her face then stormed off. "Wow she's pissed." he said let out a chuckle. "Is she one of those ex's that can't get over and tries to get them back?" I asked jokingly. "Oh no we never dated. You see she has been obssessed for me years but, her problem is that shes a very jealous person." "Oh wow no wonder interesting...I'm sure you have a long line of ladies in and out of your life." "Now that's where you are wrong. I only had one who was in my life but..." He paused for a moment turning his head from me as he ran his fingers through his hair. "She passed away from cancer." He managed to choke out. My heart sank as i looked at him he was still turned away. Lisa came back with the bag of food and placed it on the table. Robert grabs the bag and heads to the counter to pay. I got up to and went to head out but was stopped by Lisa. She a stern look on her face and she looked as if she was crying. "I don't know who you are but i'm gonna let you know that he is mine. Don't get to comfortable sweet heart you could never handle a man like him." She walked off bumping me in the shoulder. I walked over to Robert he finished paying. He takes my hand once again and we walked back to the truck.

The drive back to the shop was quiet. When arrived and he opened the door for me. Robert took his hand and caressed my cheek. His warm brown eyes made my heart flutter. "I'm sorry about earlier I wasn't angry with you. Its just hard remembering the past." he said giving me another one of his beautiful smile that I'm starting to enjoy. "Its okay I understand we all have dark past that we can't seem to get over." I patted his shoulder and walked off into the store where inside we ate our lunch. Getting to know Robert today was uplifting because now i have another good friend.

**** It seem theres a spark in between Dani and Robert? Will she end up falling for him as hes is starting with her? Tomorrow morning the next Chapter im heading for bed now enjoy...Vote please! and comment your feedback is very important. Thank You!!****

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