Chapter 13

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I felt so happy telling Robert that I loved him. For some reason that date definatly made it possible for me to just open my heart to him. We made love that night which again was spectacular. As we laid on his bed holding eachother close I felt as if my life was getting better. I don't have nightmares of Andy anymore or even memories. It was as if I never knew him.

"Robert?" I said. "Yes." "I love you." He looked at me a smiled. "I love hearing you say that." He pressed his lips against mine. "I love you too." I smiled and laid my head back on his chest as he held me tight running his finger tips on my arm. It gave me the chills. A knock came at Robert's door and he quickly got up to get dressed. I got up to get dressed too. Who knows if they would come in his room. I sat there waiting for about 3 minutes until he popped his head through the door. "Oh you're still here. I figured you would have snuck out the back door and all the money in my wallet." he said walking into the room. I let out a laugh and rolled my eyes. He was still shirtless and I couldn't take my eyes off his body. I looked up at him and to see him smiling over me. "What?" He asked. I let out a sigh and ran my hands up his chest. "You look so sexy shirtless." He gave me a sexy smirk and laid me back down on the bed. He was hovered over me as he looked deeply into my eyes. He ran his fingers down my cheek and smiled at me. "You are even sexier naked." I blushed at him and asked, "Who was at the door?" "It was my neighbor Dennis he wanted to borrow a rack." "Oh." "Ice Cream?" "Hmm, what kind?" "Chocolate." "My favorite." He got up and helped me up the bed. He led me into the the kitchen where pulled out a carton of icream out of the freezer. I sat down on the stool as he grabbed two spoons. He sat next to me and hands me a spoon. We dug in and began eating the ice cream.

"Dani, how would you like to visit my parents?" I looked at him stunned. His parents now! What if they are like Andy's parents mean and judgmental? "Don't you think that's too soon." I asked. "I don't. I have already chosen the person I'm going to spend my life with." "What if they don't like me?" "Dani, my parents will love you." "That's what Andy said before I met his and look how they turned out to be." "You have a point but, my parents are way different than your in-laws." He paused a moment and his face grew serious. "Babe, I have heard about your ex husband and your in-laws. Not once have I heard about your parents?" My facial expression changed when the topic about my parents came up. It was one of those stories I have never talked about in years. "It's along story. I don't want to bore you with it." Robert took my hand. "You could never bore me." I smiled at him and began to tell my sad tale.

"When I was 10 years old my parents died in a car crash. The police told me they had been hit by a drunk driver. They immediately died on impact and there was nothing they could do. Driver got life in prison for both murders. My aunt took me in until I was 16 that's when I met Andy he was 21. Dated on and off for years. Until he finally asked me to marry him." My eyes began to tear up at the memories of Andy.

All the scars, bruises, and broken bones I re-lived them in my mind. Those nights he would come home drunk and beats me until was unconcious. I covered my face and began to cry. I immediately felt Robert's strong embrace around me. As he rubbed my head and tried to console me. I buried my face in his chest and weeped. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here. I should have never let you remember." He said softly to me. I could hear the pain in his voice. I lifted my head up and looked at him. "It's fine. Talking about it helps me heal." I took my face in his hands he wiped away my tears with his thumbs. "I don't like seeing you cry. I only want to see tears of happiness." I place my hand on his cheek and smiled at him. He leaned in a place his lips softly against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me as we kissed. Our tongues caressed eachother gently as our lips moved slowly together. We pulled away and just held eachother in an embrace. I felt better knowing Robert would always be there to make me happy when I feel sad.

This an emotional chapter I cried just writing it. Do you think Robert's parent's will like Dani? Next Chapter tonight or tomorrow. Vote and comment please

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