Part 1: Dipper

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Now, I'm no amateur when it comes to fighting monsters, ghost or demons. But despite Bill Cipher classifying himself as a demon, he doesn't fit any of the categories. That guy's a free spirit, well, if evil, dream demon triangles have spirits that is.

He doesn't have a certain way to do things, he switches up his plans and games making him almost impossible to defeat. Note, I said almost.

"Man," Bill Cipher himself said happily with a mad laugh. "The people of this town really are stupid." He laughed and I felt my face heat up with anger.

It had been an extremely long and exhausting day. I didn't have time for this. All I wanted to do was get back to the Shack, find Stan, save Ford, save the town, and relax for the rest of the summer. But of course Bill has other plans.

Wendy, Soos and I had just escaped Mabel's bubble and rescued Mabel. But before we could get to the shack, Bill confronted us in the town square, leaving us weaponless and defenseless. Bill carelessly held a golden statue of Ford in his grasp and guilt rose in the pit of my stomach. It was my fault that Bill had Ford. I had to fix this. I will fix this.

"Bill, leave Gravity Falls alone! Give back Ford! You have no right to do any of this!"

I yelled, pushing my way past Mabel and Wendy. Bill giggled in a madman way.

"Awe, is wittle Pine Tree, trying to be the hero? Well news flash! You can't just make me leave. I leave on my own. Besides, I want can't leave this town anyways. I'm trapped here, for the time being. I need something from Poindexter here, before I can leave. Believe me kid, I don't want to be here anymore then you want me. Perhaps you can make a deal with me and I'll then leave. I'm a man of mysteries, I change my mind like the wind. You'll never know what I'll do next. So Pine Tree, entertain me. Let's make a deal."

Bill would definitely be smirking right now if he had a mouth. No doubt about it.

"You want a deal? Fine. Say your deal."

I spat.

"Dipper, what are you doing?"

Mabel whispered and tried to pull me back by my arm. I shook her off. "I'm ending this." I replied.


" know that saying, an eye for an eye? Or an arm for an arm? How about this. You turn yourself over to me, and I'll give you back your Uncle. I'll leave Gravity Falls with you as my prisoner. That is my deal."

Bill crossed his arms and if he had a mouth I imagined him sneering in victory. He had trapped me. He knew I couldn't turn down this offer.

"Dude, don't do it. It's a trick somehow. He's made some loophole for himself in there somewhere. Think it through first."

Soos interjected, fear laced in his words. I was so mad, guilty and frustrated that I couldn't even think straight.

"Soos, the whole town is at stake here! Heck, the whole world is at stake. If I don't take this deal then...that's it. We've lost. Game over."

I replied sternly. Soos furrowed his eyebrows and looked upset but nodded. I took a shaky breath, to many thoughts raced through my head for me to think straight. I swallowed down my fear and looked into Bill's eye. My heart was racing. My hands were sweaty.

I can do this. I have to do this. If I don't, Bill wins. Everything I love will turn to nothing. There will be nothing left to fight for You've got this Dipper. No pressure.

I told myself and subconsciously rolled my eyes at my mental sassiness. I took a deep breath then exhaled, letting my shoulders slump to calm myself.

"Fine, I'll except your deal. But no changing it after we shake hands. I'll go with you, you return Ford to Gravity Falls, leave Gravity Falls alone and go back to your demon dimension once and for all."

I state firmly. Bill hums in thought and taps his chin. Then his eye brightens up, and if he could smile or smirk I betcha he was doing in.

"That idea doesn't sound half bad Pine Tree..."

Bill hums again. "How about-"

"No! Dipper are you insane?!?"

Mabel exclaimed and grabbed onto my arm. Fear, concern, hatred and sorrow flashed through her eyes all at once.

"I'm sorry Mabel. But what other choice do we have?"

A tear slipped out of Mabel's eye and slid down her cheek.

"I-I don't know, but we'll figure something out. You don't have to give up your freedom. Bill never keeps his deals that much anyways. Besides, Soos is right. Bill makes loopholes and ways for him to get what he wants.
The deal won't do us any good. Please don't do this Dipper."

Mabel begged. I looked into her eyes. "Mabel I'm sorry. I have to do this."

I replied gently and turned my attention back to Bill who was hovering impatiently in the air.
His arms were crossed and he was floating with his legs crossed impatiently.

"Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, kid." He mocked me. "Are you ready to make a deal yet Pine Tree? Either take the deal or leave it. And fine, I'll let you have your useless Grunkle back. I got what I needed from him."

Bill snapped his fingers and the gold prison that kept Ford frozen in mid-scream melted and Ford's color returned. "Wha-? Bill? Kids? Soos? Wendy? What's going on?" He squirmed in Bill's grasp and pounded his fist on Bill's hand. "Cipher, what is the meaning of this? Leave the kids alone!"

"Quiet Poindexter. Me and Pine Tree are discussing important stuff." Ford's eyes widened and his eyes found mine. "Dipper, whatever Bill promised out, don't listen to him! You and I have both been tricked by Bill before! Don't let it happen again! Dipper-"

"Silence Fordsy! Let Pine Tree speak. So, do we have a deal Pine Tree?" Bill questioned in an overconfident voice.

"Dipper no!" Mabel screamed.

But it was to late.

I shook Bill's hand and fire lit up around it, sealing the deal. I shook a shaky breath. No going back now. I thought. "Perfect." Bill said sadistically. And at that moment, I knew I had made the worst mistake of my life...and there was no going back on it.

And before I knew it, my entire world was casted into a limitless darkness. The last thing I heard was Mabel, Pacifica and Wendy screaming in horror as I collapsed to the ground.

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