Part 4: Mabel

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I miss him.

Maybe a little to much, perhaps to often. But can you blame me? He's my brother. And not only just my brother...but my twin brother as well. With him missing, it's like apart of me is missing with him. We complete each other. All I hope is that he's okay...but that's a lot to hope for, knowing Bill and all.

"Stan we have to get Dipper back! I can't believe he...I mean I...ugh," Ford grunted angrily and ran a hand through his hair. I sat in the living room, on the couch and held Waddles in a tight hug.

Pacifica sat in chair beside me. She was one of the townsfolk who was now living with us in the Mystery Shack. Wendy had plopped herself down on the ground by the couch and Soos leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. Everyone else was in the living room while we were having a somewhat "family meeting" in the kitchen.

Pacifica had insisted on coming, claiming she couldn't stay for a second longer in the smelly living room with mismatched furniture. Ford and Stan had given up on changing her mind and just let her in on the meeting. Stan and Ford had been discussing what Ford had missed while Bill had him for the past half hour and I was getting tired of waiting.

"I know that Ford...but how can we get Dipper back? Bill probably took Dipper to his demon dimension and we have no portal because you tore yours apart!" I got up from the couch and walked towards the doorway.

"Are they talking about Dipper now?"

Pacifica leaned over in her chair and whispered to me. Even though she was still snobby and kind of mean, I had to admit that we had become better friends within the two days we had been trapped in the Shack together for. 
I nodded and then she went quiet to listen like me.

"I still have the parts I used to create the portal with..." Ford mused thoughtfully.

"Or perhaps instead of recreating the whole portal, I can create a mobile remote that with just a click of a button can take you to any dimension that you choose!"

He remarked happily. I heard Stan groan.

"Ford, enough with your wild inventions. We only have limited amount of time before Bill does who-knows-what to Dipper! I'm not losing that kid to that demon."

Stan stated firmly and I smiled a little. Stan does care about us...I thought happily. "We'll get Dipper back Stan. I want him back to,"

Ford replied gently. "Yeah," Stan scoffed.

"To be your apprentice." Stan grumbled. I peeked my head in through the doorway, so I could see what was happening. Ford and Stan were standing by the square kitchen table. Ford exhaled deeply.

"Stan...Dipper is intelligent. He's crazy smart and reminds me so much of myself. Dipper loves the supernatural and paranormal Stan. I'm getting old, but there are still more mysteries of this town that need to be discovered. Dipper's just the guy to do it. But I also want him back because he's family."

Ford explained. "Yeah...well, what do you know about family Ford?"

Ford remained silent for a moment. "Nothing. That's what I thought. The only thing about family that you know about is how to shut them out." And with that, Stan stormed out of the kitchen.

Ford sighed and slumped into his chair.
"Mr. Pines, sir?" Soos asked sheepishly. Ford lifted his head and nodded for Soos to continue. "Yes, Soos?" "How do we even know that Bill took Dipper to a different dimension? Bill has his Fearamid here. Not in another dimension. So wouldn't Dipper be with Bill in the Fearamid?" Soos remarked logically.

My head perked up.

Soos had a good point. "Soos is right! We don't need to travel dimensions to search for Dipper! Dipper could be in the Fearamid with Bill! We just need to plan a surprise attack on Bill, take Dipper while Bill's distracted and bam! Problem solved!" I grinned, feeling excitement and hope building up inside of me.

"Mabel, that could work. But did you ever even consider the other demons that Bill has in the Fearamid with him? There'd be no way that a surprise attack would even work. It just wouldn't be possible. Way to risky. I know what Bill wants. He thinks Dipper knows a formula to opening the force-field that keeps him trapped in the Falls. Fortunately, Dipper doesn't know it. But Bill will stop at nothing to find it. That's just to much to risk."

Ford said as gently as he could. I knew he wasn't trying to upset me, but I lost it anyways. "I don't care how risky it is Grunkle Ford! Dipper's my brother. My twin. My other half. He's sacrificed so much for me this summer, it's about time I do the same. I'll get him back, no matter the cost." And with that, I pushed my chair back and stormed out of the kitchen.

I ran upstairs to the attic and slammed the door. Racing over to Dipper's bed, I threw myself onto it and let the tears I had been holding back cascade like waterfalls down my cheeks. I don't know how long I cried for, hugging Dipper's pillow to my chest, until there was a knock on the door.

"Mabel? It's Wendy, Pacifica and Soos. Can we come in?" Wendy's voice rang out from the other side. Sniffling, I sat up in the bed and brushed a piece of my brown hair behind my ear. "Yeah...I guess..." I mumbled, not having the heart to tell them no.

The door opened up and my three friends walked in. Pacifica sat on the end of Dipper's bed beside me. Wendy plopped herself down on the floor and Soos sat down on my bed.

"That was..." Pacifica began.

"Intense." Wendy finished grimly.

"Mabel..." Soos began, looking towards me. I stayed quiet.

"Are-Are you alright hambone?" Soos stammered. I exhaled deeply. "I...I dunno." I admitted after a few second of pure silence. "I just want my brother back." I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them tightly. Tears sprung from my eyes again and trickled down my cheeks.


Wendy remarked and embraced me in a hug. I began to sob and everyone else hugged me as well. "It'll be alright. Dipper's strong. He can handle it." Pacifica attempted to reassure me. "I... I don't know anymore. Why me? Why Dipper? Ugh..." I groaned and snuggled into my sweater.

"I'm now in Sweater Town." I remarked.
" about you go see Ford? He's feeling the same way as you." Wendy said gently.  I took a shaky breath and nodded. I left Sweater Land and headed down to the basement to Ford's lab.

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