Part 22: Mabel

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Pacifica, Wendy, Dipper and I managed to make it to the Shacktron and they used one of it's giant arms to pick us up and put us inside.

My heart was racing, because I knew deep inside that this was the final battle. Something told me that either Bill somehow wins and takes over or we win and Bill is gone for good. I'm seriously praying for the second on. "Waddles!" I cried as I spotted my pet pig by following Stan and Ford who were coming to greet us with Soos as well. Waddles let out a gleeful, "Oink!" as he made his way over to me.

I picked him up gave him a tight hug.

"I've really missed you Waddles." I murmured. "It's good to see you kids are back, and I see the secret mission was a success." Ford began, bringing everyone together. "Welcome back, Dipper. We're glad that you're know, dead." Ford smiled and tried to lighten the tensed mood. Dipper gave a halfhearted laugh and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Uh, yeah. Me too." He agreed and I smiled. But then my smile faded. Everything seemed so awkward between Ford, Dipper, Stan and I because of Dipper and my argument. Dipper had only had to go off to rescue me from my Bubble-*cough* prison *cough*-because I hadn't wanted him to stay in Gravity Falls as Ford's apprentice. I didn't want to go home alone. I didn't want to grow up without him.

But now I realize that after all of this madness, Dipper should get to do what he wants. Whether it be come home with me or stay here and fulfill his dream.

I didn't want to start another argument.

I didn't want him to sacrifice what he wanted to do for me, again because he's done that so many times for me this summer and I haven't completely returned the favor. So if it came down to it, I made a decision right then and there that if Dipper really wanted to stay in Gravity Falls to study with Ford, then I'd let him. I wouldn't be the anchor that holds him back. It'd be selfish of me to not let him stay.

"-bel? Mabel?"

"You okay there Mabel-Dog?"

I blinked my eyes, not realizing I had zoned out and snapped myself back into reality. Heat rose to my cheeks when I saw my family looking at me with concern. Even Stan looked concerned. "Oh! Um...I'm fine. Sorry. I was just..." I glanced over at Dipper, who's eyes met mine and I let out a sigh. "Thinking." I turned my attention back to the rest of the group. "But I'm fine, honestly." I assured them, forcing a grin onto my face.

No one looked convinced but thankfully McGucket came running over and interrupted the awkward silence. "Stanford, are you ready? If we just stand here any longer, out in the open it will defeat the whole purpose of our plan! We're using the element on surprise! Bill should notice us here if we don't do somethin' now." McGucket exclaimed frantically.

Ford blinked his eyes, and his expression went from concern to 'commander mode'. "Right. Thank you Fiddleford. Everyone but Dipper here knows the plan. Well...mostly. But I'll just roughly go over it once more and then we'll begin." Ford told us. Then he turned around, his back facing us and yelled, "Can I have everyone's attention please?" 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and all eyes were glued to Ford.

"I'm going over our plan once more before we begin to make sure everyone knows what we're doing. Alright, so the ten-also known as, the people who are apart of the Cipher Wheel-" "The what?" Dipper whispered to me, confusion written all over his face. A look I rarely ever saw on his face. "I'll explain later." I waved my hand in dismissal. Dipper didn't seem to like that answer but didn't press me for more.

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