Part 3: Dipper

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Groggily, and slowly I regained consciousness.

Everything hurt.

My body literally felt like it was on fire. My head was killing me and I had a huge migraine. I wanted to curl up into a ball and just die...wishing I could turn back time but I knew without someone like Blendin it would be impossible.

"Ugh...I think I broke my everything bone..." I grumbled in pain as I shook my head and pushed myself up into a sitting position.

"Welcome back to reality Pine Tree,"

Bill cackled victoriously.

I blinked the sleepiness out of my eyes and shook my head, trying to shake the tiredness away. I attempted to walk but the second I moved my left foot, something yanked me back, causing me to loose my balance and fall on my stomach.

I groaned and heard Bill laughing crazily as I glanced back at my left foot, finding a blue shackle on it. Great. Perfect. Fantastic. I tugged on the chain and it immediately glowed a vibrant blue.


I grunted angrily. I groaned. They were enchanted! Why not?!

"Bingo on that Pine Tree!"

Bill giggled crazily. I glared at him.

"Okay you evil illuminacho, you have me prisoner. What are you going to do with me?" I questioned demandingly. "For the last stinking time people, I, Bill Cipher, am NOT A NACHO!"

I smirked victoriously. Bill was fuming. Bill's bright yellow color momentarily switched to a bloody, crimson red before he calmed himself and turned back to normal.

"Okay Pine Tree, since I need you in my future plans I can't kill you just yet. But, I'm planning on torturing you to the point of insanity!"

Bill giggled gleefully.

"And what will you accomplish by that?" I spat, and attempted to keep my new founded fear out of my voice. I probably failed. Bill chuckled. "It's my way of getting revenge and I'm curious to see what your mortal family does about it."

I could tell Bill was smirking...or at least he would be if he had a mouth. "They'll find me," I said with determination and attempted to sound braver then I felt.

"How can you be so sure Pine Tree? How do you know I haven't sent a second wave of monsters and demons down there to attack Gravity Falls?" Bill sneered mischievously.

I felt myself pale.

"No, no, no, no,"

I whispered with wide eyes. Soos was right.
I should've thought this through more...

Bill only promised that he would leave Gravity Falls alone, not every single one of his demonized friends! I had just made a fatal mistake and it couldn't of been more messed up. I might've just sent my own home on it's own trip to the Devil's layer...and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Right-Oh Pine Tree! I how I love it when reality comes and hits my victims the face after they've made a fatal mistake."

Bill giggled again and I sank to the ground.

Why didn't I think that deal through? What chance of surviving did I leave Gravity Falls with now? How can I make this right again?

I swallowed down some fear and looked up a Bill. "So...what are your plans for torturing me?" I questioned. Maybe if I played innocent, I might have a change of getting Bill to lower his guard and escape. Bill hummed in thought and paced in thought. He floated back and forth in a pacing manner.

"I have a game for you to play Pine Tree. It's my first time trying it, you're up first. Let's see how long it takes for a Pine Tree to burn," Bill said in a madman tone. I gulped nervously, failing miserably at hiding my fear.

Gravity Falls: How to Burn a Pine TreeWhere stories live. Discover now