Part 26: Mabel

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After breakfast, Dipper walked off with Ford to talk with him privately, which left me kind of confused but I decided not to think much of it.

I settled on the fact that Dipper was probably telling Ford that he was taking his apprenticeship offer and staying in Gravity Falls with him. The thought made me want to burst into tears but I managed to stay strong and keep myself as composed as I could manage. "Hey Grunkle Stan, I'm going to head upstairs to the attic and start getting my stuff together." I announced, feeling a pang of sadness in my chest.

Stan glanced down at his wrist watch, frowned for a second and mumbled some incoherent words to himself before looking back up at me. "Oh yeah, um sure. But make sure you're back downstairs by noon. Ford and I have big things planned." He smiled and I smiled back. I really hope that they didn't go too over the top with anything for Dipper and I.

A small family party as all that I needed because I figured that Candy and Grenda probably left today for wherever they told me they were going. They said a few days ago that they couldn't stay for my birthday and in the heat of the moment, I had been so upset that I didn't even remember where they were going. But I suppose that it didn't really matter anyways.

I made my up the stairs feeling sad and alone.

It was my birthday, and I knew I should be bright and cheerful but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I opened the door to the attic and my sad mood was temporarily switched around when Waddles greeted me at the door, oinking happily. I grinned and scooped him up, wrapping him tightly in a hug. I loved Waddles and at least I'd get to go home with Waddles...

My smile fell when I remembered that I was traveling all the way back to California. There was no way that my parents would let me take Waddles along. I felt a tear escape my eye and roll down my cheek.

No. Don't-Don't cry Mabel. It's okay. Everything will be okay.

I thought, but I knew for a fact that I was only lying to myself. Nothing would be okay. I wouldn't have Dipper, Waddles, Stan, Ford, Wendy, Soos, Candy or Grenda back at California with me. I'd be all alone. Coming to Gravity Falls was the best thing that ever happened to me and truth be told, I wasn't ready to give it up. I didn't want to move on.

But I knew sooner or later, I'd have to.

And the later I put it off for, the harder it would be to let go. I just wish that it hadn't come to fast. Sighing, I put Waddles back on the floor and made my way to my side of the room where I began to pack up my belongings.

I finished around eleven and decided to take the last hour to myself, saying goodbye to everything in the Shack and mentally prepare myself for the journey home. I didn't see Dipper that hour, he was still with Ford, probably settling in already. He'd get the attic to himself and wouldn't have to worry about my sleepovers. He could stay up all night and do his summer reading without me making complaints about it.

He'd be happier here then at home. Here, no one would make fun of Dipper. Dipper wouldn't get teased for his birthmark or get pushed around for being smarter then everyone else. In Gravity Falls, Dipper would feel at home and respected.

As much as I didn't want to be happy for him, I knew I had to fake a happy face anyways. The moment I showed any sign that I didn't want this, Dipper would drop everything and come back with me. But I wouldn't let him do it this time. This time, it was my turn to sacrifice something for him. For the greater good.

"Mabel, Mabel, there you are!"

I heard Dipper call from me from behind. I had been in the living room, sitting in Stan's chair for one last time. Dipper ran over to me with a smile on his face and his eyes twinkling with joy. He was much more happy now then he was this morning. That was my first clue that he had taken up Ford's offer. "Hey Dips." I smiled and pretended to be happy when inside I felt like breaking down.

"Stan said that he needs us outside on the porch. I don't know what for, but he just said to come and get you. So let's go!" He beamed as he grabbed my wrist and helped me out of Stan's chair. I forced a convincing smile onto my face and played the part of a happy kid on their birthday as we ran to the front porch of the Shack. Dipper pushed open the door and I gasped with wide eyes as everyone from town was there and shouted, "Happy birthday!"

A huge smile broke out onto both, Dipper's and my face as Stan and Ford came over to put party hats on our heads.

"How...How did you-? You were all in on this?" Dipper questioned in bewilderment as the twin brothers lead us over to where a giant cake awaited us. "Yep! It was a combo of old Fordsy and my idea. We thought you two deserved a proper birthday party/goodbye party." Stan replied with a grin. "But after what happened yesterday..." Dipper began, remembering how Tyler got chosen to be the new mayor and made a new act called, 'Never-Mind-About-All-That'.

Basically it's when someone asks about Weirdmageddon, that's what you say. No one's aloud to talk about Weirdmageddon just because it brings back bad memories.

"How did you get everyone in on it?"

"What, you think those two did it all on their own? I helped." Wendy spoke up from behind Dipper causing him to jump from being startled. "So did I!" Pacifica called out from the crowd, making Dipper smile. I was really surprised, to be honest. "Same here dude!" Soos remarked as he embraced me with a hug from behind causing me to laugh.

"And here!" McGucket added.

"Okay, so maybe me and Ford didn't do this completely by yourselves. But you get the point." Stan interjected. "Uh, Stan, actually, its 'Ford and I'." Ford brought up. Stan rolled his eyes and flicked Ford in the back of his head causing Dipper and I to laugh. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Poindexter." I smiled, feeling almost all of my worries temporarily wash away. I've always wanted to have a surprise birthday party and now I've got one.

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