Part 8: Dipper

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"My name is Mason, Dipper Pines..." I took a shaky breath and squeezed my eyes shut. I held my knees closely to my chest and tried to calm my uneven breathing. "I'm twelve years old... I have a twin sister named Mabel. My parents sent us to live in a town called Gravity Falls for the summer..."

I took another shaky breath. My bottom lip quivered. Tears swelled up in my eyes.

"I have two Gruncles...amazing friends...and-and I...I've made a deal with an evil dream demon," I sniffled and whipped my eyes.
"I'm never getting out of here..." I whispered and a few tears slowly began to trickle down my cheek.

It's been one week and two days since I've been here. At least I think it has. It's hard to keep track of time with it being completely dark 24/7. My only source of light comes from whatever seeps in through underneath the cell door.

The cell door isn't necessary, Bill could just snap his fingers and appear in here. But I liked having the door. It gave me some comfort as word as that may sound... I began to count again.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8..." I murmured quietly to myself.

I yawned. I was so tired. Even though it had only been two, almost three days I was ready to drop everything and give up. Why couldn't Bill just let me go already? Or even kill me? Being dead would be better then being held as a prisoner of war in his Fearamid.

You're worthless... Useless... Pathetic... Not useful... Waste of air... Mabel's better off without you... Just give in to Bill. Then it'll all end. It'll all be over. Just let Bill win.

I gripped my hair and screamed. I screamed bloody murder and wanted it all to just stop.
I was only twelve. I hadn't come to Gravity Falls looking for adventure...

Finding Journal Number Three had been an accident. One that may cause my life and the rest of the worlds. Tears flowed rapidly down my cheeks. I tried to tell myself that I was only giving Bill the upper hand...but I didn't care.

I cried and screamed until my throat hurt. My voice was hoarse. My eyes were probably all puffy and red. Gravity Falls was safe from Bill's clutches...that was with our deal.

But knowing my family...and Mabel, they were probably doing whatever they could to get me back. I just hoped that Mabel wouldn't get hurt. If something happened to her... I-I don't know what I'd do.


The shackle around my ankle dug deep into my skin. It hurt...more then any kind of pain you could ever imagine. I wasn't even that strong.
Why did Bill think he needed to enchant the chain on me?

My stomach growled again.

Ugh... I was starving. Bill has slipped me little pieces of bread and water. Enough food to keep me alive...but not enough to satisfy my hunger. I sniffled and hugged myself again. I shivered and sneezed.

Great... I better not be catching a cold. That's the last thing I need! The only way I can get a somewhat full meal around here is when Bill asks me questions and I answer them truthfully.

If I don't...then no food.

Sometimes I get tortured. Bill tries to enter my mind multiple times...but without a deal in play, he can't. I shiver again and wish it all to be over.

What did I do to deserve this?

Please come for me...someone anyone! Wait... Don't come for me. Don't endanger yourself. But someone please end it soon. Make it all stop. Please. Whoever it're my only hope.

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