Part 12: Ford

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Stan and I made our way out of the Shack and into town. Stan led the way. Nervousness tugged at the pit of my stomach and I couldn't seem to shake it. I hadn't seen my old college friend/lab partner since...since I he dropped the portal project after he almost fell into it.

I just hoped he'd put our past aside for the fate of the world. Stan remained quiet as he lead me through the town. It made me sick to see buildings tipped over, shattered glass covered the road, fallen road signs and broken tree branches. It was all terrible.

It would take years for the town to pull itself back together after this... I sighed as I realized that Stan had picked up his pace and walked further ahead of me. I broke out into a jog to keep up with Stan. "So...Stanley, where does Fiddleford live?" I ask as I finally keep up with him. Stan let's out a huff in exasperation. I really didn't understand what his problem with me was.

I had reasons for my anger, but what were his reasons? He was the reason I didn't get to go to the college of my dreams. He was the reason I left for Gravity Falls. He's the reason I wrote the journals and the reason I met Bill. I have every right to be mad at him and here he is being mad at me. That's crazy.

"Hello? Stanley?"

I ask, waving my hand in front of his face. Stan growled and swatted my hand away. "Leave me be, Ford! Just be quiet and let me do my job." Stan snaps and I clamp my mouth angrily shut. We walk in silence, and I anger was slowly boiling up in me. I suddenly stopped in frozen tracks. We needed to settle this.

How could we ever lead a rebellion if we can't even solve a conflict between ourselves?

"Stan." I said with firmness in my voice. Stan stopped and stood with his back to me and his arms crossed. "What, Ford?" "What's your problem?" I demanded, taking a step towards him. "My problem? My, problem?" Stan repeats furiously.

"Yes, your problem! We're leading a rebellion, Stanley! We need to work together if we want Dipper back. I know that. You know that. Everyone knows that. Why are you angry with me? You're the one who ruined my life! I should be the one mad at you but I'm choosing to put my feelings aside for now until this problem is solved. Unlike you." I spat frustratedly.

"Ford, how do you think I felt when you fell into the portal that night?" Stan shouted back, startling me by his outburst. "I didn't sleep that night. I held your stupid journal and glasses to my chest and stared at the ceiling the entire night, in denial. I didn't sleep for the rest of the week! Then I decided I needed to get you back! I thought maybe things between us would be better after that! But I was wrong! I worked day and night to get you back and I didn't even get a single thank you!"

I looked at him in shock, and then that shock turned to anger. "A 'thank you'? That's all you wanted? Was for me to thank you? Thank you for what? Ruining my life?!" I shouted. "For saving it, Poindexter! If it hadn't been for me, you'd still be stuck between dimensions! Can't you just say thank you? Or are you too proud and selfish?" Stan asked, his anger still there but not as harsh in his voice as before.

"We'll settle this later Stan. I need to see Fiddleford." I pushed my way past Stan and kept walking forward, having no idea as to where Stan had been taking me.

"No! You're the one who brought it up, genius! We settle this now! Just say, thank you!" Stan yelled. I kept my mouth shut and kept moving forward. Stan huffed in annoyance. "Fine then! Good luck finding McGucket on your own! I'm leaving!" I turned around just to see Stanley storming off in the opposite direction that I had been going.

I felt my heart sink a little.

He really had just left me, and all he wanted was me to say two little words. I then shook my head, the anger returning. No. He didn't deserve a, 'thank you'. Not in a million years. I could find Fiddleford on my own. I began walking forwards again, not paying attention to where I was going.

My thoughts continuously replayed the scene that had happened moments ago, over and over in my mind.

I was abruptly and rather rudely, torn out of my thoughts when I walked right into a metal barbwire fence. I stumbled backwards and hissed in pain when it cut my hand slightly. "Dang it!" I yelped in pain. I pulled out a cloth from my trench coat and wrapped it around my hand. It wasn't nearly as bad as the cloth made it out to be but I just needed something to keep the cut from getting infected.

"Stanford? Is that really you?"

A voice startled me. I looked up and saw a man standing in the open gateway of the barbwire fence that surrounded the Gravity Falls junkyard. He was short and hunched over with a long white beard with a bandaid on the end. He wore a pair of oversized brown overalls with an old brown farmer's hat and his hand was wrapped up with an old bandied.

"F-Fiddleford?" I blinked in bewilderment. "But...but how? How...what happened to you?" I stammered. I didn't mean to be rude but I was so surprised I couldn't stop the words before they tumbled out of my mouth. Fiddleford gave me a sad smile. "Why don't you come in, Stanford? It seems we have much to discuss..."


Fiddleford lead me into the junkyard, confusing me even more and more. Questions upon questioned piled up in my brain and I didn't know which one to ask. "Fiddleford, what happened to you? This wasn't how you were know what." I recalled.

Fiddleford sighed as he led me into a tiny Shack made of random pieces of junk with a rusty, table and two tires for chairs. Fiddleford sat down on one of the tires and I awkwardly sat across from him.

"After I-I fell into the portal, I wanted to forget what-what I saw. It was the worst mistake I have ever made. I made-made a Machine to help me forget. To help everyone forget whatever they wanted to. I used it on myself, for multiple trials until it worked. I forgot more then I had wanted to. I forgot who I was...and so m-much more. My invention fell into the wrong hands but when your kids came to town, they helped me find who I was again. I will never be the same, but at least I can try."

Fiddleford concluded with a sad smile.

"Fiddleford...I...I'm so sorry. If I had known-"

"Don't worry about it, Stanford. What's done is done. I can only make the best of it. Now, enough with sadness. What can I help ya with?" Fiddleford beamed, the sadness melting and was replaced with fake happiness. "With this," I pulled out my original copy of the Cipher Wheel and put it on the table for Fiddleford to see.

Fiddleford scanned it over, his eyes appeared to be getting bigger and bigger the more he saw of it. "I...I remember when you first put this in your journal." Fiddleford squeezed his eyes shut and tapped the side of his head, as if hoping it would bring the memory back. Then he opened them and sighed, shaking his head.

"It's no use. That's all I remember of it. Nothing more, nothing less." He murmured.

"What do I have to do with this, Stanford?" Fiddleford asked me, tilting his head. "You're the Glasses, on the Wheel, Fiddleford. I just need you to come back to the Shack with me. We can't defeat Bill without you. Each symbol represents a person. There's ten of them and if you agree to help, we'll just need two more people to complete it. Unfortunately, you've missed out on a lot, Fiddleford, but come with me, and I'll help you. Just like old times, before the crazy."

I tried to convince him with a small smile.

Fiddleford gave me a weak one in return. "I'll help. What else do I have to live for?" He remarked. I held out my hand to him and he shook it. Not nearly as firm as I remembered it from before the Portal incident, but what can I say for a man who's been living in the dump for years? "Thank you, Fiddleford. I'll make it up to you. For everything that I put you through. I promise."

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