Part 20: Soos

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"Okay Soos, keep Ford distracted. You can do this. Keep Ford distracted. Keep Ford distracted."

I chanted over and over under my breath as I made my way into the kitchen for food. Mabel, Wendy and Pacifica headed out to rescue Dipper roughly over two hours ago and the sun was beginning to rise.

Ford's an early riser, so I would have to put, Operation Keep-Ford-Distracted into action a lot sooner then I had wanted to. As I walk into the kitchen, I see Stan sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee with a bandaid wrapped around his waist. "Morning Mr. Pines." I greet my boss with a smile. Even though I know it'll probably never happen, I still dream of him adopting me one day and then I can legally change my name to Stan Jr.

At least I can still have my fanfics about it...

"Morning Soos." Stan replies with a nod as he takes another slurp of his coffee. "Where's Ford?" I ask as I get myself a banana from the fruit bowl on the counter. "In his lab. He said he'll be up here soon so we can get to work on his latest invention, 'The Shacktron'." Stan remarks with an eye roll. "What a ridiculous idea. He'll never be able to pull it off." He shakes his head.

I frown and sit down at the table across from Stan.

"I'm sure it'll work. It's our only chance we have at taking down Bill." I try to stay positive, but even I can't remain in high spirits 24/7. Stan sighs. "I sure hope you're right Soos. I really do." I had never heard Stan sound so at loss and helpless. "I'm going to get my nephew back, I know that for a fact," Stan began.

"Whether we can defeat Bill or not is what I'm doubtful on. Oh when I see that stupid demon I'm going to give him a piece of my mind." Stan ranted with his fists clenched angrily. He then sighed in defeat and rested his head on the palm of his hand. "I just want to get the kid back...Then smack him upside the head for making that stupid deal!" I jumped at Stan's sudden emotion change.

Mad. Sad. Mad. Sad. Mad. Furious.

It made me question if Stan was secretly bipolar. "Group meeting! Group meeting! Everyone gather outside of the Shack and round up by the porch. Don't go outside of the border though!" Ford yelled loudly, banging a spoon against a metal pan. Stan's head perked up. I watched him pushed his chair back and get up to his feet.

"Come on Soos, let's see what old Poindexter wants." He walked past me and patted me on the back, making me grin happily and followed him in pursuit.


Everyone was gathered outside of the Shack, as Ford had instructed. Ford stood on the porch before everyone, with McGucket by his side. Stan and I stood side by side in the front row of the crowd. There wasn't many of us, but it was still enough to be considered a crowd.

There were some gnomes, the multi-bear, the Lilliputtians, Grenda, Candy, some old guy that I didn't know, Sheriff Blubs, the Manotaur (named Chutzpar), Celestabellebethabelle and a few townsfolk that I wasn't too sure of their names. At least it wasn't overly crowded but it made me wonder where Bill had taken the townsfolk. "Good morning everyone! I hope you all slept well, are ready to start planning to defeat Bill and take back the Falls!"

Ford yelled and everyone let out a cheer in agreement. Ford smiled widely. "Excellent. Fiddleford, can I have the blueprint please?" McGucket obliged and handed him a rolled up blueprint. Ford took it, unrolled it and showed it to the crowd.

"I call this, 'The Shacktron'! Fiddleford and I decided an invention to turn the Shack into a giant robot. We can use the robot to distract Bill and we split into teams. One team controls the Shacktron while the other team plans a rescue mission for Dipper and the third team gathers up for the Zodiacs. If you don't know what the Zodiacs are then don't worry about it. I have told those who it concerns so to don't be alarmed if you don't know. We'll set this plan into action today and begin with building the Shacktron. So who's with me?"

Ford exclaims, as he puts a fist into the air. Cheers erupt across the crowd and even Stan seems happy with Ford's plan. Except for me. I was too busy feeling guilty about not telling him that Pacifica, Wendy and Mabel had already took it upon themselves to go off and save Dipper. Maybe I should tell him. If I don't, then there'll be two groups out there looking for Dipper, not one.

"Okay everyone! McGucket is in charge of telling where to go, what materials to grab and where to place them. Meanwhile, I'll be working on machines to attach to the Shacktron to make it even stronger. Good luck and let's be as quick as possible with this." And with that, I watch Ford disappear back into the Shack.

"Humph. For once my overly smart brother has a good plan." Stan grumbles with his arms crossed. "Come on Soos, let's go and see what we can help with." Stan begins to walk forward, towards McGucket where he already had a line forming of eagerly waiting townsfolk and mystical creatures.

I bite my lip nervously. This was my chance to work with Stan! To get Stan to appreciate me more and maybe even adopt me! But at the same time, I was conflicted because Ford needed to know the truth.

I exhaled deeply, deciding that Dipper's life was more important then me being adopted by Stan. So with that thought in mind, I took off towards the merchandise part of the Shack and headed to the basement. I pep-talked myself from the moment I stepped into the elevator to the moment I reached the room Ford was busy working in. I nervously walked over to Ford and said, "Mr. Pines?" Ford's eyes didn't leave the machine he was fiddling with but he replied with, "Yes Soos?"

"Um...we'll just be needing two groups, actually." I stammered, my fingers playing with the bottom of my shirt. Ford stops working and raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I did the calculations over and over. We need three groups. Two will never get the job done." He informs. "Yeah, group already began their job last night." I mumble sheepishly.

"Last...night?" Ford mimics slowly, realization slowly dawning on him.

"No, no, no! You mean to tell me that Mabel, Pacifica and Wendy went to rescue Dipper?!" He exclaims, his eyes wide and full of panic. "Yes?" I squeak. "This isn't good...not good at all." Ford exhales deeply, trying to calm himself down. "'s fine. I can work with this. We'll just need two groups now while Mabel and her friends are off rescuing Dipper. That's okay. Less work for me right?"

Ford let's out a groan and places his forehead on the table edge. "Why can't Mabel ever listen to me? Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me? It's like I'm speaking to a brick wall and now there's a chance that I might loose both Dipper and Mabel. Great. Another thing to worry about."

"Mr. Pines?" I ask, after he finishes his ranting. "Yes Soos?" Ford replied glumly. "Have some faith in them. Mabel and Wendy both know how the bubbles work. Pacifica will catch onto it. They'll be fine. I know that they'll save Dipper. Have a little bit of hope and it can go a long way." I offer him a smile an Ford managed a weak one in return.

"Thank you Soos. That means a lot. You're a good kid, ya know that? Now, would you like to help me with some of the more advanced machines that'll be attached to the Shacktron?" Ford asks. A grin spreads across my face and I nod my head eagerly. "Yes! Defiantly!" Ford chuckled at my response.

"Great! Then let's get to work."

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