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hey guys!

Guess what? This book is tied for second place in GravityFallsWatty !

Please do me a huge favor and go vote for it for it to win first place! Thank you so much if you do and I understand if you don't.

Also, there will be a book two to this book but this book isn't over just yet. 😉 I'm such a horrible, mean author for killing off my favorite character but don't worry.

If you know me well and if I kill off my favorite character then this story is about to take a big twist! Sorry about all of the cliffhangers as well, actually, not really.

It's my thing. 😅

You guys are fantastic, thank you for reading this book and I will go back and edit the other chapters after this is completed.

So is book 2 a definite? Absolutely! More information about it will be revealed after this book is finished.

Comments and thoughts are appreciated. Thanks again! 😎😏😘


=APRIL 23rd, 2016=

Gravity Falls: How to Burn a Pine TreeWhere stories live. Discover now